We made the switch to HoD and began schooling with it in August. I stagger-started the children in Little Hearts, Beyond and Preparing. We welcomed our 6th child, a little girl we named Miranda, in September. She went into crisis at birth and spent her 28 days on full life support. We said goodbye to our precious daughter in October.

We took the fall off from schooling.
We started again in January. Needless to say not every week is productive. We are only on units 5 or 6 in each of the levels. I feel a little stuck. We are sticking with HoD, that isn't even a question! I'm so thankful for the structure that HoD is providing us. It was truly a blessing to just be able to pick it up and move forward when we restarted in January. Where I feel stuck is that it is quite obvious that we will not finish our guides this year. How do I do this? We already know that we will not be taking the whole summer off, but I'm enough of a realist to know we won't get full weeks done easily through the summer.

I currently have a kindergartener and a 1st grader in Little Hearts, it is a perfect fit for them and they're both girls and work well together.
I have a second grader in Beyond and it is working really well for him. I am amazed at the growth and progress he's made even just 5 units in!!
I have a 4th grader in Preparing. Skill wise he fits perfectly, though he does drag his feet a bit (he's a boy, not really a big fan of written work though he's FULLY capable!). Had I known what we were going to face this past fall I probably would have gone with Bigger for him just to relieve some of my stress. I am not sure if we leave Preparing now though. I know he's able to do it, he's 6 units in and I am super impressed for what he's learned.
Not really sure what I'm trying to figure out though. I guess my hangup is a calendar issue. I don't want to be changing levels mid-school year. I know it probably doesn't really matter, but it matters to me. Do I have him go through Preparing at half speed so that he finishes it at the end of 5th grade while we keep going full speed at language arts and math? What does that mean for my children in other levels?
Has anyone else had to take extended time off mid-year? How did you recover the time?