Anyway, today my ds(11) and I had a great chat, because of using the Beyond guide along with my DITHOR guide. We are doing Fantasy right now, and in Beyond the scripture for brotherly love was out of Acts 10. This is when Peter visits Cornelius to share the Gospel. What is so awesome about this is, I am reading in Acts right now during my quiet time, and I just read this scripture 2 days ago. I didn't understand it completely when I read it, so I did a little research to clarify it for me. So, when I saw this was the scripture given for today, I couldn't believe it. You know God worked that out for me, so I was able to really talk with my son about brotherly love and accepting people no matter where they are from, or what they look like. And get this, my ds had also recently read this same scripture. He remembered Peter's vision and I was able to explain to him what it meant. We talked for at least an hour about Peter and Jesus and how we can show brotherly love to people around us (especially the little brothers).

I know this is long, but I just wanted to share how God is working in our home. It is because of Heart of Dakota and the people that make it possible. Thank you Carrie and HOD. This is gooood stuff!