Week In Review September 4, 2009

This forum is for sharing what your week was like with Heart of Dakota. The goal is to post on Thursdays. You can share a picture, a blog link, a written synopsis, your favorite memory, or anything you want that shares your HOD excitement.

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Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by MamaBear23Cubs » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:39 pm

I guess I am the first to post for the week. Week four has come and gone in my house. We have not completed Unit 3. We are a few pages away but we are off camping. Only have another month before the campgrounds close for the season. Here is the link to my week in review. I have written about our days and finished with pictures.
http://denofmamabear.blogspot.com/searc ... f%20Dakota
Military wife and Mama to 3 (DD12, DS8, & DD7)
Have used: Little Hands For Heaven, Little Hearts For His Glory, Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory,
Bigger Hearts For His Glory, and Preparing Hearts For His Glory.

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by rainbowacreshs » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:00 am

Ok Girls,
What was YOUR week Like?
You can post:
a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!
Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Hey ALL.
Praise God! We got through Week #4 *pats hair* and all my hair seems to still be there lol :o
The highlight for dd this week was our Shepard's Lunch. Kasey so enjoyed making the shepard's headband that she had to make one for the typhoon Tiffy who enjoyed having lunch on the floor too! What was really neat was Wed. night at our church's Bible study, she was able to follow along with what our Pastor taught. She would lean over and whisper to her daddy "Oh, I know where that is! We took the carpet ride to Cappadocia!" I absolutely love these connections she's making. Now if only math was that simple :roll: :?
Unit4 Notebook page
Unit4 Notebook page
rahsweek4notebook.JPG (60.27 KiB) Viewed 11715 times
Kasey and Typhoon Tiffy Sharing the Shepards lunch
Kasey and Typhoon Tiffy Sharing the Shepards lunch
rahsweek4.JPG (61.52 KiB) Viewed 11712 times
making the headband
making the headband
rahsweek4historyproject.JPG (58.93 KiB) Viewed 11706 times
Married to a wonderful hubby since '95
DD Kasey 14 RTR Sept. '11 - June '12
DD Typhoon Tiffy 3yrs old beggining LHTH

Lil Ruth born April 25 2011..and just a pure joy!

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by StillJulie » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:16 am

I read Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Songs last night. My daughter is reading that for DITHOR. She'll do that for the first five days and then the Phillis Wheatley book for the next ten.
She's enjoying the CD for Psalm 1. Does a sort of ballet dance around the house while she sings it. Cute.
I am having her read the Woolly Mammoth book too. Not sure if she likes it or not. Hasn't said too much.
Asked her whether she wanted to do Cheerful Cursive this year or not. She'd done A Reason for Handwriting's cursive last year. She liked the book, and wanted to do it, so she is.
She's finishing week three today. She's a 9yo 4th grade girl.

I've got a 7yo (almost eight) 2nd grade boy doing this.
We'll finish week 2 today. It's going well. I'm reading the George Rogers Clark for storytime.
Although I have the Reading Lesson, I just ordered some Explode the Code workbooks b/c I don't feel like his phonics is good enough. He's doing the books for Emergent Readers too.
His writing isn't good and I haven't had him do as much writing as the manual requires. I am having him do a Rod & Staff handwriting workbook, though. I'm definitely seeing progress.

Little Hearts:

I've got a 5yo (almost 6) kindergarten boy doing this.

We'll finish Week 1 today. I'm questioning dropping it. Kindergarten isn't required by law in my state, and he is so disinterested. I will for sure do math and phonics instrutction with him, but at this point, I'm wondering if I should just call it good if we do a lesson of each of those each day.

I've also got a 3yo girl who wants to do everything! I have an assortment of workbooks that she does, in addition to whatever she soaks up from the other kids.
16yo DD using US History 1 for 11th grade
14yo DS using World Geography for 9th grade
13yo DS using Rev to Rev for 7th grade
10yo DD using Creation to Christ for 5th grade
8yo DD using Bigger for 3rd grade
7yo DD using Beyond Hearts for 2nd grade

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by Daisy » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:53 am

Here's mine! Mostly pictures this week of Bigger Unit 2 and CTC Unit 2/3

http://daisyhomeschoolblog.blogspot.com ... 83109.html
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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by creativemommy » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:03 pm

This week FLEW by!

DD3 Finished Unit 1 of LHTH and the first two days of Unit 2. Below is her completed "A" from Unit 1 - she used dry kidney beans and LOVED doing it! My DS6 was begging to do it along with her, but I had him help with the glue bottle so we didn't end up with a glue lake on the table.


She was incredibly sad when I pulled up the taped "A" from the carpet after Unit 1 was finished on Tuesday. She immediately wanted "B" taped down Wednesday morning when we began Unit 2 but I told her she had to wait. She asked about it again this morning...maybe I'll give in and get it on the carpet for the long weekend?! :)

Here's her second page of her counting book - she found one hand in a magazine and then I traced her hand and had her cut it out. She really enjoys using scissors since this is something I've not let her do much of in the past. :wink:

On Thursday we took a "field trip" to our zoo and it was a lot of fun to see the animals in-person that God made during Creation! DS6's favorite animal was the stingray. While we were talking about the flood during DD3's lessons this morning, he proudly told his sister that the stingrays didn't get on the ark because they were like fish and live in water.

DS6 finished Unit 1 of LHFHG and began the first 2 days of Unit 2. He LOVES the activities and really enjoyed the thinking game this morning where at one point he was a "tree" IN the Garden of Eden.

He also enjoys History and this morning as we talked about the Curse and then the Promise - he turned to me and said how thankful he was that God sent his Son to die for him. It made my heart :D !

During this week, I've had two friends reading my homeschool blog (sorry, it's private now) tell me that they are looking at beginning to use HOD with their preschool-age little ones this year or next! I can't rave enough about HOD!
Used & Loved LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, & Bigger

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by beandip71 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:27 pm

Here is link to my blog with photos of some of the things we did this week.

http://beandipblog.blogspot.com/2009/09 ... -9409.html
CTC-10 y/o (dd)
Bigger-8 y/o (ds)

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by mom2boys030507 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:09 pm

Our week was a successful week. We started our Folk Tale unit in DITHOR. My son loved reading How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head on day 1. Then we started the King's Equal. He is not so sure about this book but seems to be enjoying it. My highlight came today when we talked through the worksheet for Day 3 on Comparing and Contrasting himself with a character in the book. Bryce said "Raphael (the prince) and I are the same because we are both rich." I asked him how he was rich - as this is not a word I would use to describe our family. He said "Well we have a lot more than many other people in the world." I stopped looked at him and said that is very true. I can not begin to tell you how proud I was of him at that moment.
Karen - mom to Bryce 02/03, Micah 03/05, and Matthew 05/07

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by Tree House Academy » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:39 pm

We had a wonderful week! My older son finished Unit 5 in Bigger w/extensions and my younger son finished Unit 1 in Little Hands (with spelling and LA from Unit 6 in Beyond).

Older ds had lots of fun talking about viruses and how innoculations could help people fight off diseases. He painted like Benjamin West (though we didn't use juices, we did talk about how and why Benjamin West did this). Here is Bryce's flower. :) (and ignore my note on the bottom that says it is a "william Penn" painting. OOPS!)


This is a picture of one of his extensions pictures. He does one a week and it is his favorite thing to do. He loves art, but he gets in a hurry sometimes. Of course, being a boy, his picture is from the book "Almost Home" and it is of the one of the dead men being thrown overboard. *roll eyes smilie here*


I have to include this because I found it amusing. He reading "James and the Giant Peach" for DITHR and his activity today was to draw a picture of himself and James solving the problem. Well, Bryce decided the problem was that James' aunts made life miserable for him. The solution...he and James call 911 - then relax while the aunts are in jail. LOL


And here is the bookmark he made for the same book in DITHR. We laminated it to make it all "offical."


ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by Tree House Academy » Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:45 pm

For Little Hearts, we are just starting the fun! Here are a few pics from little fella's week.

Our History Timeline from History for Little Pilgrims


His artwork that symbolizes that Christ is the center of History! We had so much fun doing this one. :)


Here is his dictated note to Reddy Fox along with a picture of Reddy stealing Farmer's Brown's boy's chicken. LOL. Gotta love stick figure chickens! ;)


And since I posted four of big brother's things, I had to post one more of little brother's things. This is his CLE math counting book. As a treat after he wrote his numbers, he got to color this picture by number. I thought it was pretty good for a 5 year old. :)


ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by butterfly113 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:42 pm

We had another wonderful week with Preparing Hearts! And the pace is picking up which has also been a huge blessing!

You can view our week here:

http://joshuatreeacademy.blogspot.com/2 ... nit-4.html
Married to Grasshopper for 21 wonderful years.
DS14 Caterpillar - full of life!

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by Carrie » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:15 pm


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your shares this week. The descriptions of your kiddos and your pictures are precious! :D It warms my heart to know your little ones, and not so little ones, are spending their time learning more about our precious Lord each week. :D


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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by holyhart » Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:59 pm

What a great first week back to school! :D :D Still have some kinks to work out in our schedule and just in general getting our "goove" back, but we'll get there. Overall, it went pretty smooth, although the first day was a little rough jumping back into phonics with my sweet girl, glad she got passed it though pretty quickly.

I LOVE Beyond! :D So does Evelyn! We started over with Joshua in LHTH. We had only gotten about 7 units in when we broke for summer and I really thought he would benifit from starting over. He is doing FABULOUS this time around. When we started last Jan. with him, half way through the already short time, he would loose intrest and get tired from it. He was just barely 3. It is AMAZING how much has changed in 8 months! Now he stays focused the whole time, does some work book pages (things like mazes and puzzles), practices writting his letters (the extras are because he WANTS to!!!) and he STILL wants more! And he gets it!

I wrote more about our week and pictures on my blog http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/holyhart/724080/ if anyone wants to check out in more detail about our week.

And can I just say....I am TIRED! And my house is a wreck! YIKES! See, I told you we had kinks to work out! Mama's school schedule is one of them! :lol:
I loved reading about everyone elses week!
wife of CB since 10/99
mother to:
~Evelyn Grace 5/03
~Joshua Ryan 11/05
~Lillian Rose 8/08
~Caleb Charles 8/10

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by georgiamomof3 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:27 pm

Can I just say how much I LOVE HOD!!!??? :D

DD, 9 is working through Preparing. We've had some amazing talks about evolution, living as a follower of Christ, studying rhyme, meter, and imagery in poetry, and so much more.

DS 5 is in Little Hearts. He races through the math activities, handwriting, and R&S. I have to slow him down so he doesn't get so ahead of schedule and make me lose my place!

DS 3 is in Little Hands. It is just enough for him without being too overwhelming...just right. I'm so excited he's learning his letter sounds!

What I am loving this week is how each of the kids listens in to each other's lessons. The boys sit with dd and me as I read history aloud. They even answer questions! I love how they are each hearing the same Bible stories, but at different levels. It really reinforces their knowledge.

Here is the address to my very new blog. I am very new at this and am still not sure how to link my blog, so hopefully it won't be a hassle for you to check it out.



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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by LynnH » Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:08 pm

We had another great week. This was our second week in Preparing. My DS really enjoyed all the books about the Flood. He was a little slow to warm up to "Life in the Great Ice Age", but after the bear hunt he is enjoying it. He did another great Science entry. The cursive copy work is a challenge for him, but I think his hands are getting stronger because of it. He loves the Poetry box. He really enjoyed the challenge of coming up with rhyming lines with 8 syllables to fit into his version of the "Bed in Summer" poem. He then decided his way of presenting the poem this week would be to beat it out on pots and pans and perform it for dh. He enjoyed painting his rainbow. The colors kind of blended in and mixed with the background, but I told him it made it look more like the washed out look they have in the sky. This is such a switch for him from what he did in ps, but he is really taken with it and enjoying it.
Here he is beating out the meter of his poem.
Here he is beating out the meter of his poem.
DSC_5270.JPG (22.15 KiB) Viewed 11502 times
DSC_5268.JPG (10.16 KiB) Viewed 11501 times
For his notebooking he writes part of it on lined paper, then he draws and then he types the text from the book.
For his notebooking he writes part of it on lined paper, then he draws and then he types the text from the book.
DSC_5263.JPG (17.32 KiB) Viewed 11501 times
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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Re: Week In Review September 4, 2009

Post by 3musketeers » Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:48 am

Hey Ladies,
I just wanted to share a quick memory from this week. Our family was sitting down to eat at a restaurant and my husband asked my boys what they were learning in school. They told him about all the great things we had been learning. But they were most excited about One Small Square Seashore. We finished the book this week. They not only told him about what they had learned that day in science, but proceeded to tell him everything they had learned in science from the beginning of the book. It was amazing to hear them talk about tides, waves, types of shorelines, sea creatures, vertebrates/invertebrates, and more. Wow! We had learned alot in science in just 4 weeks. I don't no how anyone can say, "This is not a full science program". It is fuller than full! Not only did my boys learn all of that, but with HOD they retained it and loved it! Woo hoo!!!
"Let us not despise the day of small things nor grow weary of well-doing." CM Gal. 6:9
Big & LHTH 09-10
Prep & LH 10-11
C2C & LHFHG 11-12
R2R & Bey 12-13
Rev2Rev 13-14
Big MTMM W.Geo 14-15
Prep W.Geo WH 15-16
C2C WH US1 16-17

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