Let's see if I can make sense of this. With my oldest daughter, she completed R&S phonics 1st and 2nd grade. I thought it was a very thorough program.
Now for the next two. The younger one just turned 6 and the older one is going to be 7 in the fall. According to the state, they should be starting 1st grade this year. When they did LHFHG last year, I had them work through Explode the Code books and they got up to Level 3 or 3 1/2. They had fun with ETC, and we didn't stress over it. Now, I originally planned on putting them on the same track as their older sister. R&S recommends starting 1st grade when the child reaches age six, so since this was my program of choice, I decided to wait until this fall when the youngest turned 6, and have them do the program together.
Now the Beyond manuel says to choose one of the following:
[*] A phonics program
[*] Scheduled Books for Emerging Readers
[*] Drawn into the Heart of Reading 2/3
WHAT???????????????? This is like a case of "Pinch me, I must be dreaming". I could just pick the Scheduled Books for Emerging Readers and that would be enough? Are you serious? That would mean no phonics workbooks, just real books and comprehension questions?
Both of my girls are pretty good readers. Last year, I think they both went through the Pathway set of readers for First grade without a problem. The younger one likes to read more than the older one, but that's ok.
I can't get over the fact that they don't or won't need a phonics program
