I've missed you, missed you, missed you! (well except those who facebook with me, LOL) What a year! Lots of learning curves! I'm learning to delegate and having much more fun now, LOL) We only got half way through Beyond last year. Between my blood pressure issue's last summer, my dads cancer, my sons seizures, over scheduling speaking engagements and committing to too many writing assignments......, I CRASHED AND BURNED!
I actually got to a place where I loved talking ABOUT homeschooling but had lost my love for actually doing it.

I was actually dancing around taking a year off of HOD and coming back next year, but I've changed my mind. A dear cyber friend (Hi Karen) e-mailed asking me about my Bigger a couple of days ago and as I pulled it out my heart began that old excited thumping I had lost late last year. Then as I have been preparing to speak at a conference in a couple of weeks, talking to moms of special needs children and went on a hunt through old blog posts and found one from March that reminded me how much I LOVE our HOD experience. I then looked through the whole year and it brought tears to my eyes. Seeing those boys smiling up at me with excitement about what they were learning. Realizing that even in the midst of craziness they STILL learned. I realized it wasn't HOD that burned me out, it was LIFE! Too much. However, things are going much better. I am finding a groove with the whole speaking, writing thing. My dad is doing much better. My blood pressure is wonderful. (with my meds) Seth's seizures are under control and life is GOOD!
We are going to put our Beyond away and do Bigger with all three of my younger boys. My Brandon is in his senior year and working almost independently of me this year. (sob) Actually, I am excited for him. He is learning to FLY and I am learning to move to the sidelines and cheer him on! He's gonna do GREAT!
All of that to ask, When are YOU starting your new school year and which program are you using? Has this already been asked and I just missed it?