I'm hoping you can help with a little issue with the World Geography literature/English selections. My dilemma comes from the fact that we've long been an AO family so my eldest has read many of the books on the World Geography list, both the boy and girl counterparts. Specifically he's read all of the #3 and #5 options (Men of Iron & Anne of Avonlea; Children of the New Forest, Captains Courageous, & Little Women). Some of these he's read quite recently, so I don't think I can swing the "just reread them" argument!

My initial thought was simply to replace choices #3 & #5 with different books, so:
1) Shane (Boy option #1)
2) Treasure Island AND Ragged Dick (Boy option #2)
3) Persuasion (Girl option #2)
4) Screwtape Letters (Boy option #4)
5) The Importance of Being Earnest (Girl option #4)
...but then I did some searching on here and came across a comment of Carrie's indicating that her book selections in this area served specific objectives (ie. certain character roles, etc.) so then I wondered if maybe my plan wasn't such a good one after all.

Can someone lend a hand and help me to know whether I need to pick alternate books for those options or whether my plan will work, based on the purposes they each serve within the guide?
Thanks so much! We're enjoying our last venture through Bigger this year and we're looking forward to ALL returning to HOD next year!