What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

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What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

Post by jacynamommy » Wed May 20, 2015 11:08 am

My 5 year old was determined to "do school" this last school year. She didn't turn 5 until mid-September, and with 3 older kiddos, we focused on math (she did both Kindergarten books), the Do It Carefully books, Handwriting, and Phonics. We did some of the History and Science in the beginning, but she just wasn't that interested and I didn't push her. So looking ahead to next school year, we are going to use the LHFHG guide for her again and finish it. I will just move her up to the next math level and move on to Emerging Readers when she is ready. Since she will have already completed the Handwriting Book, what would you suggest I replace that with? Should I move on to the spelling list 1 in the Beyond book? I don't think she'll be quite ready for the copywork passages, as some of them are quite large. Suggestions?? Thank you!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
Mommy to:
Quinter 15 WG
Gabry 13 WG
Ainsley 12 Res to Ref
Bryn 9 Preparing
Silas 6 Beyond

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Re: What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

Post by Jennymommy » Wed May 20, 2015 11:41 am

Maybe she would like to write out a weekly Bible verse on a framed paper? I just found free printable pages for my ds and let him copy a bit each day, then color the page 8)

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Re: What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

Post by gardenmama28 » Wed May 20, 2015 12:00 pm

I am assuming you are done a Reason for Handwriting K or the first Italic book. Why not do A reason for Handwritng A - it has 6 weeks of review at the beginning going over all the upper and lowercase letters, and is followed by learning to copy verses - including tracing words before writing them yourself. Basically you work each week to learn to copy one verse, which is a lot easier than the copywork in Beyond.

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Re: What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

Post by StephanieU » Wed May 20, 2015 12:01 pm

Did you notice that there are first grade options for dinner motor skills? I would go with those, at least for Rod and Staff. If she does better with workbooks, use the first grade handwriting book (A I think). If sheet likes plain paper, have her copy the verse and/or anything else from the week. I would suggest waiting on spelling unless she really wants more school and more writing. We did one or two units of spelling with LHFHG but sun realized it wasn't necessary at all. LHFHG is enough as written for first grade.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
DS14 WG (completed LHFHG-MtMM plus some of LHTH)
DD13 MtMM (completed Rev2Rev)
DS8 Bigger (completed LHTH-Beyond)

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Re: What do use in place of handwriting in LHFHG

Post by jacynamommy » Wed May 20, 2015 1:07 pm

Thank you ladies!!! It's funny how you overlook things and need outside perspective sometimes to open your eyes to something in front of you every day! :D As many years as I've used this guide, I didn't notice there was both a Kindergarten option for handwriting and a 1st grade option! I guess I'd never needed anything other than the Handwriting K book, so had never looked further! I think I'll use the Handwriting A book, it looks great from the example I looked at! Thanks again!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
Mommy to:
Quinter 15 WG
Gabry 13 WG
Ainsley 12 Res to Ref
Bryn 9 Preparing
Silas 6 Beyond

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