Attempting 6 Guides This Year

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Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:12 am

This will be my first year attempting to use 6 guides. It's kind of nerve wracking only because my four younger boys struggle with reading.

Here is what we will use:

Joshua 11th, WH Guide. We are pretty excited. He still needs a few weeks to wrap-up the WG Guide.

Annette 9th, WG Guide, she just started. I'm still getting everything ready for her. This time around I'm copying everything in advance. Having her older brother Joshua do this as needed didn't work out to well. Annette as completed Res. to Ref. and MtMM

Caleb 8th, MtMM, he struggles with reading so I'll be there a lot for him at first. I plan to listen to him read. I know he'll improve as we go. I just need to have him jump in and start. Caleb has completed Preparing and CtC.

Brent 7th, Rev2Rev, he struggles as well but like with Caleb I know they will improve and be doing so much better by the end of the year.Brent has completed Preparing and CtC. Both him and Caleb took this (13/14) year off from HOD to concentrate on reading.

Ethan 6th, CtC, I'm excited for Ethan to start CtC. I loved when my other two boys used it, so many good books. Again, he struggles with reading and we plan to take it slow. I'll be helping him with the reading.

Lance 4th, Preparing, Lance needs the consistency of HOD. He has difficulty writing. He still writes big and like a K-1st grader but I know he will improve. Unfortunately he won't be writing in cursive. I loved, loved, when my boys who used Preparing before would copy from Draw and Write Through History. Hopefully by the end of the year he will be writing better in cursive and in general. I know technically he should start in Bigger but I plan to take it slow with Preparing. I know he can handle it with me helping and I know by the end of the year he will much improve.

I think it will be an exciting year. I just received all the notebooks for the kids. The last thing I'll order in a few days is science for Rev2Rev. Because high school is a bit expensive (worth it) I had to order in chunks with the consumables. Thankfully I had all the programs (except for WH of course :D and R2R science ) so that helps tremendously.

Our new school year will officially start in January so this gives us all time to start slow and ease into each program. Except my two high schoolers.

I have been fixing up my Heart of Dakota bookshelf. I still need to add Res. to Ref. to the shelf but here is what it looks like right now.
multiple guides
multiple guides
Heart of Dakota Shelf.jpamall.jpg (183.27 KiB) Viewed 5632 times
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by quiverfull » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:30 am

Sounds exciting! I'd love to see your schedule of how you get it all done! I enjoy your blog. :)
Married for 30 years….Mom to 9~
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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:38 am

quiverfull wrote:Sounds exciting! I'd love to see your schedule of how you get it all done! I enjoy your blog. :)
Thank you, I'm going to attempt to blog more diligently about it. I can't wait to get started. I did do a few Preparing lessons with Lance and loved it.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by 8arrows » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:04 am

Preparing for the school year is so beneficial. You look very organized. 6 guides is a lot. Is there a reason you separated your 7th and 8th grade boys. I think they could both use RTR to pair down on guides. Would that be benficial? The 6th grader is within the age range to share Preparing with the 4th grader as well. That would take you down to 4 guides. My daughter did RTR as a 8th grader and enjoyed it very much. She is a strong reader, and she still enjoyed her year very much. I am sure you have thought this all out and have reasons for separating, but just in case you were just worried about grade levels, I wanted to throw out possible combining scenerios. If you have already discussed this on the board with the ladies, just ignore my throughts. :) I cannot always keep up with the discussions.

I looked at your blog. Your children are precious. It looks like if we lived near each other our children would get along well. We have 4 boys and 4 girls.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:46 pm

8arrows wrote:Preparing for the school year is so beneficial. You look very organized. 6 guides is a lot. Is there a reason you separated your 7th and 8th grade boys. I think they could both use RTR to pair down on guides. Would that be benficial? The 6th grader is within the age range to share Preparing with the 4th grader as well. That would take you down to 4 guides. My daughter did RTR as a 8th grader and enjoyed it very much. She is a strong reader, and she still enjoyed her year very much. I am sure you have thought this all out and have reasons for separating, but just in case you were just worried about grade levels, I wanted to throw out possible combining scenerios. If you have already discussed this on the board with the ladies, just ignore my throughts. :) I cannot always keep up with the discussions.

I looked at your blog. Your children are precious. It looks like if we lived near each other our children would get along well. We have 4 boys and 4 girls.
Hi, Melissa, thank you for your kind words. Yes, the reason I separated them is I want Brent my 7th grader to use Rev2Rev and MtMM. I feel like I kept waiting for them to read better and they are missing out on some great HOD programs. This way Brent will get two HOD programs before high school.

Caleb 8th grade, I want him to have some modern history before starting the high school guides.

Same with the 6th and 4th with having them use more of HOD's lower levels before hitting high school. With my two younger, I have a hard time combining. I've tried it in the past. One's a late sleeper and the other is a grouch. It's hard to get them on the same page at the same time. :?

I have tried using HOD (when trying multiple guides, like 3 or more) in the past combining and not and it was always hard for me and I felt defeated before even starting BUT this year I don't feel that way. I've given myself permission that it's okay if Lance or Ethan don't finish a weeks worth of work in a week. It's okay if we take a little longer especially at first. I do hope by the end of the year that they will be able to do a days work in a day.

I'm actually looking forward to it :roll: . (although that may change later, hehe :mrgreen: )
Last edited by Homeschooling6 on Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by my3sons » Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:42 pm

Well, that will be busy, but you sound like you have it pretty together! I like the slow start before the official beginning in January. We have done several days' worth of the WH guide and are finding it quite open and go, both for my ds and for me. My ds is already pretty into Ben Hur and Pilgrim's Progress, though he found the Author's Apology to be a challenge to read. I think this year is going to be another step up in learning (both academically and spiritually), but still full of rich living books, beautiful notebooking pages, timely discussions, and relationship-building for both of us. I know you have a big year ahead of you, and I am praying God blesses you abundantly! Plan B can always be combining somewhere, but for now it sounds like you are moving ahead with a good plan in place. :D We are here for you, just like you are here for us! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by abrightmom » Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:12 pm

Homeschooling6 wrote:This will be my first year attempting to use 6 guides.

Wow Linda! I have almost killed it trying to get four kids into three guides :mrgreen: May The Lord continue to bless you as you strive to be faithful! I am always so very encouraged when I read your blog. You just keep pressing on and have a way of finding good, giving thanks and loving your family no matter what is happening.
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
DS21, DS20, DD18
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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:51 pm

We have done several days' worth of the WH guide and are finding it quite open and go, both for my ds and for me. My ds is already pretty into Ben Hur and Pilgrim's Progress, though he found the Author's Apology to be a challenge to read. I think this year is going to be another step up in learning (both academically and spiritually), but still full of rich living books, beautiful notebooking pages, timely discussions, and relationship-building for both of us. I know you have a big year ahead of you, and I am praying God blesses you abundantly! Plan B can always be combining somewhere, but for now it sounds like you are moving ahead with a good plan in place. :D We are here for you, just like you are here for us! :D

In Christ,
Julie, thank you. I love,love, the notebooking pages. I just received all the notebooking pages for each program and I'm really excited. I know it's going to be a busy year. I know if anything we can always slow things down.

Wow Linda! I have almost killed it trying to get four kids into three guides :mrgreen: May The Lord continue to bless you as you strive to be faithful! I am always so very encouraged when I read your blog. You just keep pressing on and have a way of finding good, giving thanks and loving your family no matter what is happening.
Hi, Katrina, (waving)

I have missed you!!! I was happy to 'see' you :mrgreen: Thank you so much for your kind words. I know I've tried using 5 guides in the past and found it hard. I don't know why but this time I think it will be different. I want my kids to experience as much of HOD as possible before they leave the home (happening way too fast, Josh is already in 11th grade). I love each and every guide. Carrie is so talented. I often tell the kids and hubby that Carrie just amazingly talented with putting everything together and the kids are truly blessed to be using HOD. The bookmarks, notebooks, dictation (though we don't use that part :roll: ), the outstanding books, just everything about HOD.

Katrina, be encouraged you will find your groove. I admit we probably will skip a few things in Preparing and CtC. Hopefully we'll hit every box but some I may rotate. Like the watercolors. I absolutely love that part of CtC but if something has to give :cry:

I'm going to try to add DITHOR. Another part of HOD that I absolutely love but haven't been able to fit in. My dd Annette completed one year of it but none of the rest have. I start then stop, so we'll see.

ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by abrightmom » Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:00 pm

:) Linda,

We had our first day back to school today (just 3 R's and chores) and it was a slow start. Only my youngest is using HOD with LHTH. He loves it and we just keep going. I have been on the fence about the others. We are using HOD recs for English and spelling and if we dive into HOD I will likely put my oldest into RTR and my middlers in Bigger. My 10yo struggles more with math and comprehension. I need him to take it slow and steady. It is possible our older three will go to a university model private school next year (3 days school, 2 days home). HOD is my favorite so I think Id prefer to give it a go this school year. If I can manage it then perhaps we can stay with homeschool full time. My health and other challenges have slowed us down and I find it difficult to give the kids enough structure and meet all of their schooling and discipleship needs. I think I have the best chance of success with HOD if we can be more independent.

I am blabbing now! Keep us posted Linda! I like how one Mom gets Dithr done with her five. I don't remember exactly how often but every now and then she does a 3 week block of school light with English, math, maybe dictation and a DITHR genre. The she goes back to full load with guides but no Dithr. She doesn't take a long summer break so this routine works for her family.
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
DS21, DS20, DD18
Levi DS14

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by my3sons » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:44 pm

abrightmom wrote::) ...My health and other challenges have slowed us down and I find it difficult to give the kids enough structure and meet all of their schooling and discipleship needs. I think I have the best chance of success with HOD if we can be more independent...
abrightmom - I am so sorry to hear this, and I just wanted you to know that I prayed for you! You are so right - when health concerns are present - it is especially important dc can do the guides they are placed in fairly independently. With older dc, choosing according to the success of the "I" boxes is important because then dc can be independent while still being able to do all of the guide well. I still think you are the very best person to teach your dc - especially because I feel like I know you pretty well from this board and I think you are a Godly kind-hearted hard-working love your children like crazy kind of person - but also because you are their mother. You are discipling simply by choosing faith in the Lord as you walk through a difficult time with your health. Just having seen my Dad do the same, I can attest to the fact that watching someone who remains faithful and dependent on the Lord through difficult circumstances is an incredible testimony to many, but especially to the children of that person, and especially if the difficult circumstance involves health. Life changing really. So, may God be with you, bless you richly, and be your strength and support, and may He guide you in all of your decisions in His good and perfect will!!! You will know what to do. He will make it clear somehow - He always does. God bless you, Katrina!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:06 pm


We had our first day back to school today (just 3 R's and chores) and it was a slow start. Only my youngest is using HOD with LHTH. He loves it and we just keep going. I have been on the fence about the others. We are using HOD recs for English and spelling and if we dive into HOD I will likely put my oldest into RTR and my middlers in Bigger. My 10yo struggles more with math and comprehension. I need him to take it slow and steady. It is possible our older three will go to a university model private school next year (3 days school, 2 days home). HOD is my favorite so I think Id prefer to give it a go this school year. If I can manage it then perhaps we can stay with homeschool full time. My health and other challenges have slowed us down and I find it difficult to give the kids enough structure and meet all of their schooling and discipleship needs. I think I have the best chance of success with HOD if we can be more independent.

I am blabbing now! Keep us posted Linda! I like how one Mom gets Dithr done with her five. I don't remember exactly how often but every now and then she does a 3 week block of school light with English, math, maybe dictation and a DITHR genre. The she goes back to full load with guides but no Dithr. She doesn't take a long summer break so this routine works for her family.
(((hugs))) Katrina, one thing I'd like to encourage you with is to have your son start RTR. Even if it takes longer to finish a week. At least it would be a start. That is what I'm doing with my four younger. It's taking us longer to get through a day (although we continue with math & LA) but the big step is to just open the guide and start.

Then once your son is a few weeks into RTR (even if he's still taking longer to complete a unit) you can slowly add in your middler with Bigger and again, just take it one day at a time. If you finish in a day great, but if not that's okay. Just pick-up where you left off.

Today was a long day for me. We didn't get done until um, 7:00 P.M. or at least I wasn't done but I had a good time sitting with each of my boys (Caleb, Brent, Ethan, Lance) and reading to them. With the three older boys, I had them read a page then I'd read a page which makes it go slower but my goal is to get them reading and doing more on their own later.

Tomorrow I'll help the boys write some narrations. Even though it took me all day (with some breaks) I feel like we accomplished a lot. It wasn't stressful either.

Tomorrow we'll see how another day goes using 6 guides. With my two older I listen to their narrations and have discussion in between the 4 younger kiddos.

My teacher goal for this week is to write what I need to do with each child in a planner, maybe that will help. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that 'at-a-glance'

Julie and 8arrows, as I was sitting with Brent my 7th grader I admit I was thinking, "Maybe I should combine" ;) what in the world was I thinking :shock: . I almost went online to order another Rev2Rev guide but I held back and said, "I can do this", with each child I did pray for them and me before we started. I need to remember to do that again tomorrow.

Well, I better get to bed. Ack, it's already midnight.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by abrightmom » Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:08 am

Julie, You made me cry! :D Thanks for praying for me and cheering for me. That was an unexpected blessing and timely. That kind of encouragement is a ministry and I appreciate you taking the time to serve The Lord and your sisters in that way. This board is my favorite hang out. 8)


So, I am praying for YOU today but I have to say that a 7pm finish time is a long day. You will know soon what is doable and sustainable. :D You are courageous to test this arrangement out.

Time to roll out the day. I don't usually do screen time in the morning so need to move quickly. We are going to use time a tad better today and accomplish all on my first week of school list, Lord willing. :D Please check back in with a day two update!
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
DS21, DS20, DD18
Levi DS14

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by Homeschooling6 » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:12 pm

abrightmom wrote:Julie, You made me cry! :D Thanks for praying for me and cheering for me. That was an unexpected blessing and timely. That kind of encouragement is a ministry and I appreciate you taking the time to serve The Lord and your sisters in that way. This board is my favorite hang out. 8)


So, I am praying for YOU today but I have to say that a 7pm finish time is a long day. You will know soon what is doable and sustainable. :D You are courageous to test this arrangement out.

Time to roll out the day. I don't usually do screen time in the morning so need to move quickly. We are going to use time a tad better today and accomplish all on my first week of school list, Lord willing. :D Please check back in with a day two update!
Katrina, I hope your day has been well. Yes, seven is a bit late and I think it will be the same today but I did get an hour lunch break, started late this morning, and have taken an hour to write my blog post. I think I'll pull Caleb my MtMM guy and have him read to me.

Here is a little bit of our Heart of Dakota School ... chool.html :mrgreen: if you all are interested.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by quiverfull » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:43 pm

I don't know if this will help anyone, but I started recording the older children's dictations into Evernote so they can do them independently if need be. This seems to be working well and saves me time. They also like it because they don't have to wait for me if I am working with another child. :)
Married for 30 years….Mom to 9~
Five graduated, four still in school. 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 12, 10


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Re: Attempting 6 Guides This Year

Post by alhempel » Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:05 pm

I too am doing 6 guides: world history, world geography, rev to rev, res to ref, bigger and Little Hearts. I however have a neighbor girl who was homeschooled herself and graduated last year as my helper working primarily with my two littles. What a blessing to have her. I find placing them in their own guides easier than combining. God bless your year!

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