I have used HOD in the past, and moved onto other programs with my older children, but we plan to return to HOD this fall. I honestly don't know why we ever left, because there's so much that I love about these programs! Regardless, here's my situation: My daughter, who turned 8 this week and will be in 3rd grade this fall, places pretty firmly in Preparing. I used Preparing a few years ago with one of my boys for 4th grade, and he was on the older end of the guide age range, and we had a great year. He learned so much, especially his writing skills just blossomed that year. But I'm hesitating with my daughter because I don't want her to miss out, by covering the material too soon and not having the maturity to really appreciate it and absorb it all. I'm also worried that the jump to CTC would be too large next year, so that I might be better off placing her in Bigger. But then I think that if she places in Preparing, wouldn't it be boring for her to be in a lower guide? I don't want to push her, but I want her challenged, too. But of course, not so challenged that she gets overly frustrated.
As for details--she's a very fluent reader, she's already started cursive writing, she loves science, and she's already done most of R&S 2nd grade grammar. The biggest area where she would be at a deficit is in writing--I remember how much writing my son did in Preparing (the written narrations), and I'm wondering if that's too much for her to do.
So, I'm really struggling to find what might work best. I know how important placement is to success with HOD, and I'm just not sure where to put her. Do I go with Preparing, and not worry about how she'd handle CTC the next year? (sufficient unto the day...) Or should I put her in Bigger, and let her have a somewhat relaxed year?
Thanks so much for reading this--I really appreciate any help that can be offered.