Sorry I am just now getting back to this. I have been reading the responses as they come in, but I'm just now getting a chance to post a reply.
Thank you all so very much.
LynnH wrote: I see you have done lots of HOD guides so you know that Carrie is really good about making sure if we are to cover anything in the teachers guide she tells you that in the box. So if it isn't listed then I wouldn't add it.
YES! This was really where I was. I have been such an HOD AS-IS advocate---no more, no less. So when we came to this literature....I just don't know why I couldn't "just do it like it says". I was frustrating myself.
Tiffini wrote:The other info in the teacher's guide could be helpful IF you needed more clarification on insight into a particular concept
And of course....there was this.

*I* was the one needing clarification. When dd's answers didn't match up exactly with what the book said, but it seemed like she did really know what was required of her.....with my (sadly lacking) literature knowledge, I felt like I needed the help to be able to properly evaluate her work. And of course, this frustrated her, since she felt confident. Language is her "thing" so I was tempted to let it go, and just hope she knew what she was talking about. BUT...I have learned not to do that

my3sons wrote: We love BJU alongside the novels, so I highly recommend it!

I think you will find this a relief,
And yes! I was MORE than relieved when we got to the first novel. I was not really wanting to go back to the BJU. But, alas, we were there, so.....
I will say that the second round went much better than the first round (before the break with the novel). But Carrie's suggestion here:
Carrie wrote: I will say that I do allow my son to read the highlighted passages and fuller answers in the Teacher's Guide after our discussions of the questions, or after I have corrected his written work. This isn't a necessity but he enjoys doing it and can read through the parts that interest him so much faster than if I went over all of that with him orally. I don't make him read any particular part of the notes, and he doesn't have to do it. I just let him so that he could get a better glimpse of the types of fuller answers the BJU Teacher's Guide was listing.
was so relieving to me......So, I think we have a very good plan in place (which we discussed and started today). I will read the info (to myself) just before our meeting together (this actually fits in nicely time-wise, as just before our meeting, I am at the table watching my youngest do handwriting and math (things he is really doing independently, but needs me to sit there for

). I usually am reading something anyway (like the replies to this thread

). Anyway....I can read that, then meet with her. IF she feels the need after we've gone over the questions, she can then take the teacher book and read it for herself. (And I believe she will do this more times than not...but if not, then that's fine too!
Thank you all so much for talking me through this. I knew there was an easy answer in there somewhere....but for the life of me (mostly out of fear

), I couldn't see it. I love this board