LHTH & LHFHG Supply List

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LHTH & LHFHG Supply List

Post by dcafamily » Mon May 19, 2008 6:47 am

ok, so here we are getting ready to start LHTH with my ds and LHFHG with my dd. All of a sudden yesterday, I get this urge to really go thru my guides and make a list of what supplies are needed for each day so I can have it all typed out nicely for the beginning of each manual. So this way, I can look at my list on Sat/Sun and see what I am needing for the week and to make sure we have what we need at home (and this is even going down to the color of construction paper needed for a project and food coloring, etc)

Has anyone else been this ocd and done lists like this too?? I am only thru unit 11 in LHTH, then I still have to go thu LHFHG.

I will share with those of you wanting to see a copy. Shoot me a pm with your email and I will send you a copy. Hopefully will have little hands done by tonight and little hearts done by tomorrow.
Dawn in dfw, tx mommy to
delainey using LHFHG
chandler using LHTH
and darianna just tagging along

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Post by inHistiming » Mon May 19, 2008 7:42 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I do suffer from ocd in many areas! In order for our family to watch the movie Prince Caspian over this past weekend, we had to spend weeks reading all the previous stories; The Magician's Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, and Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis, before we could see the movie! I have a problem with NOT reading a book before watching the movie...it messes up my ability to imagine the characters, setting, etc. if I see the movie first. :? So, we spent from February on working through those books...but last week saw us speeding through the rest of The Horse and His Boy and consuming all of Prince Caspian Thursday night and Friday. I wouldn't recommend being as obsessive as I am in that area...but we are all glad we read the book first. The movie was so much more enjoyable since we knew the entire story!

Making lists for your curriculum is a good thing if that helps you to feel organized....I am trying to get more organized for next year too. Did you read the thread entitled 'Organizing my HOD'? I hope others will post there soon, because I find it very interesting.

I'll pm you about the list for LHTH! :wink:

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Post by shera » Mon May 19, 2008 8:36 am

There is already a supply list for LHFHG.
Here is the link http://www.heartofdakota.com/board/view ... upply+list

Here is the one for the math
http://www.heartofdakota.com/board/view ... upply+list

Yes I am that ocd that I needed the list. There have been quite a few people that have asked for it so you are not alone.

ds 11/01


Post by happy@home » Mon May 19, 2008 8:45 am

I too am a list maker! :lol:

But I use post-it notes on the page that I will need the supplies.

Then I can just pull the post-it note and stick it to my shopping list! :D

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