I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by Rhyah » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:02 pm

I'm gonna go in a different direction than most and say that this is possibly not used in a derogatory way. We are starting our first year with HOD using Beyond, so I had to look the book up online and found the area referenced by the OP. After reading a bit of the story, it's obvious that the Unc. Billy character is written in African American vernacular (such as Jim in Huckleberry Finn or Tea Cake and Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God), commonly used in literature of that time period. So even though it's a possum, he's written as an african american character. When he uses the word, it could be used as a generalized term and not necessarily a derogatory term. Since it's obvious the character is written with African American vernacular, it wouldn't make sense that it's actually derogatory but rather the dad saying here come my little black children - just utilizing a slang word common in that time period. It's now obvioulsy a derogatory term that we wouldn't want our children to repeat, so I think a lesson on what the word means and why it's fallen out of use is important. But when looking at how it's used in the context of the story and the vernacular chosen for the character who uses it, I don't think it's meant as an insult. But that's just my opinion and how I translated the use of the word when looking at it in the context of the story.

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by parjackson7 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:29 pm

Believe me, I waited several days before posting so I could cool down and try to not convey an anti-HOD sentiment. I apologize that I was still so strong in my previous post. I know that Carrie must work very hard to scrutinize books before using them for HOD. I am grateful for that and I know it is no small undertaking.

I am still in my "Mama Bear" mode (to quote Tina) and I am still roaring. If books that were written during time periods when racial slurs were "normal" are chosen to be used for curricula for very young children, even stricter attention needs to be paid to the vocabulary used by the author. I shouldn't have assumed that all of the books would pass my scrutiny, so that is on me. I will be pre-reading all of the Burgess books for similar content and excluding them if necessary.

As far as using the words as "teachable moments" my little guys just are not mature enough for that at this age. They take every hurtful word they hear and tuck them in their back pockets to use as weapons when their ire is raised. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, they still use "bad" words even when they are told why they should not and how hurtful they are. I certainly wouldn't want them lobbing the word in question back and forth at home or in public. I will only be comfortable explaining those words and the historical context when they are considerably older.

I went to a very racially diverse school system in NE Ohio. One of the days I remember most in high school was the day my English class got off topic and discussed racism and historical context in American Literature. The teacher wrote a long list of slurs encountered in literature and we "ranked" them by how offensive they were to the people they were describing. "Picaninny" was #2 on the list after the n-word for slurs used for people of African heritage. I never forgot that and I never will. That is why I was literally floored when I read it in the Burgess book. I also reacted very negatively to my MIL when she used that word to describe our then newly adopted daughter. (She won't make that mistake again because we used it as a "teachable moment. :wink: )

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by countrymom » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:35 pm

Add me to the list of those who did not know what the word meant. I am assuming that since many of the adults on this board did not know the meaning of the word, our 5 & 6 yr olds will not know the meaning either. Therefore our response to the word affects their response, and in this case I am quite sure my son does not even recall the word and certainly would never be able to repeat it. I am not implying that we should purposely use derogatory terms in front of our children, but at the same time I cannot put down a conservative, Godly curriculum that has enriched the lives of so many families because of one word that many of us did not know the meaning of. Life is full of learning experiences and I have learned something tonight. I thank the OP for that and will substitute the word when I go through LHFHG with my younger son. At the same time I will continue to use HOD in good faith as I have thus far.
Wife to J
Big J - LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, Rev to Rev, Modern Missions, beginning parts of World Geography
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by lmercon » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:40 pm

A definition extracted from an online dictionary:

A derogatory term that in English usage refers to black children, or a caricature of them which is widely considered racist. The word is likely derived from the Portuguese pequenino (derived from pequeno, "little").

Pickaninny refers to oft-depicted physical stereotypes of young African slave or African American children: bulging eyes, unkempt hair, red lips and wide mouth into which they stuffed large slices of watermelon.

Today, use of the term by persons of any race in English speaking countries is seen as distasteful, though at one time it was used within African American families to refer to their children in an affectionate manner. Versions of the word are still used in some pidgin dialects, including Caribbean English, where it usually means "child" or "young'un"

I only post this because it allows for a less-derogatory use of the term that may have been on the author's mind considering the character in the book is portrayed as African-American.

Additionally, I think it would be highly unfair to suggest that Carrie is careless in her book selection. She actually is quite the opposite.
Wife to a great guy and mommy to:
Ds(15) - using WG and loving it!
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by tnahid » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:08 pm

I wish these posts had a LIKE button, because I LIKE them all! Everyone has valid points to make. How wonderful that we can discuss these things in a Christian, godly context and encourage and build each other up. We can all learn something through this, and it makes us think deeper. That is what growth is all about!
ds 11 -- DITHOR 4/5 and other curriculum
ds 9 -- Preparing and DITHOR
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starting our 4th year of home education, 3rd year of HOD and DITHOR, so blessed...what a journey!

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by holdinon » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:59 pm

Please know that in no way is what I'm going to say meant to be condescending to those of you that have been offended by this word. And I'm going to try and use words that I don't think will offend anyone else. But....

The ONLY person I have ever heard use this word before now is from a black friend of mine. She actually refers to her children using this word as a term of endearment of sorts (ie: "Well, it's getting close to lunch time, I need to gather up my little pickaninnies and head home"). When we came across it in the book, it stood out, but only because I had heard her use it on many occasions. Never before had I ever heard anyone else use it.

So when I read the first post, I was taken aback. At first, I thought, "surely not!". But, of course, when I googled it, I did find it is often a derogatory word. So I called my friend and asked her about it. She said she had never heard it was a demeaning word. She was as taken aback as I was. She said her mother always used to sing them a lullaby that had the word (she actually sang it to me and it sounded very sweet in that context). She said she and her husband had never talked about it, but he of course hears her say it often (and sing the song) and he has never called her on it, so she is assuming he has no idea either. She was going to ask him tonight.

So, maybe its a regional thing or something???? My friend and I are both from Mississippi. The whole thing has honestly been fascinating to me. Again, I know your negative and hurt feelings are very real, and I don't mean to diminish those. But I do know that Carrie has taken GREAT care to be very conservative in her selections. Even in comparison with other Christian curricula HOD is by far the most "picky" I have seen.

I hope you can come to a place where you are at peace about the book choices. I understand that all families have to decide things for themselves, but please know Carrie's heart is certainly not to offend ANYONE.

In Christ,
2013-2014 year:
Geography, CtC, Preparing, Bigger, Beyond, and Little Hearts (and surviving!)

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by netpea » Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:10 pm

I grew up watching Shirley Temple movies and Gone with the Wind and other movies that used this word. I always thought it was just a southern word for children. I had no idea that it was a slur. I'm afraid that with any older literature, you will run across words that may have meanings we have all but forgotten but that doesn't mean the literature is bad. My children didn't even notice the word but they love the Burgess books. I will however be more aware of the words from now on and use them as teachable moments when necessary,.
Lee Ann
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by choochooboysmom » Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:34 pm

I'm from the deep south (LA-lower Alabama) and I use this term all the time! I guess it is how you are brought up!

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by holyhart » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:23 am

I wish there were a "like" button too.....so many good posts and points of view.

I asked my hubby last night if he had heard the word before, he said he thought it was a type of food. Which made me laugh....I think he was thinking of piccadilly (a type of relish). I asked my mom when I talked to her this morning and she said that she had maybe heard the word before but didn't know what it meant or even in what context to use it. She doubted me when I told her it was a racial slur. Now granted, NH is not the most racially diverse part of the country, but the word is so out dated now that the majority of us have no clue what it means. That doesn't mean it is any less hurtful to you and I am sorry for that. It is a word that will not be in my vocabulary, nor has it ever been in the past. I do find it curious though, that if the word is so derragatory why other people would call their own children that as a term of endearment???

I know that many words change meaning over the course of time. Words that are now cuss words were once acronyms that were not considered cuss words, and the meanings were much different than they are now. Possibly this is one of them....
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by joyfuljourney » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:14 am

We live in Australia. If I saw that word I would think of a young cheeky child. That being said it is a few years since we read Reddy Fox. I would possibly change the word when I read it. With regard to classic literature, I think you have to keep in mind that the values, ideas and language will be reflective of the time period in which it was written.

From my experience with Heart of Dakota and other homeschooling programs- I have to say that I love HOD and one of the main reasons is the books that Carrie has chosen to use.

I think many of us were unaware that this term was so offensive.

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:24 am

I'm thinking it was left in b/c the way it's used is by a character using a vernacular that uses this word as a term of endearment-- as that truly is what it meant, so it wasn't obvious to the author that it may be something to research. This sinful world has twisted it to mean something else and I"m sorry it offended you. But, that's not how it is used here...and I think you have to take context into account. The N word was never a term of endearment and at one time was simply meant to describe a person of color, and admittedly to some, even that was an insult, but not all.
I tell my kids when they use words like gay, queer, (happy, odd) etc....that those used to mean those things but we don't use them anymore b/c people started using them to mean bad things. I don't have to describe or define, just say it's used very nicely in this book but it is not used that way anymore. And then move on....... it is a teachable moment, but it doesn't have to be a big deal when you teach and it doesn't have to be defined. Just set the boundaries for your kids. No need to feel offended by HOD's book choices. I've heard this term, but NEVER head it in a derogatory manner. EVER. I'm from Florida and Arkansas, my FL grandparents were from Georgia and others from Tennessee...southern blood. :) And it's always been used in a manner that refers to something small. Sometimes a child, sometimes an object, and sometimes an idea. No one I've heard use it has ever used it in a way to refer to a person of color whatsoever, and never in a rude way.
Enjoying HOD since 2008

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by Heather4Him » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:19 am

Tamara--what a wonderful post! I love your insight and explanation. Thank you!!!
I'm learning so much from everyone's posting--from the original to all the replies.
Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by water2wine » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:35 pm

I have an interracial family as well so I am trying to put this in the context of that. :D It seems the word is used a few ways and it also seems clear there is a very negative way. I had never heard the word used in a negative way but I can see that it has offended you and that is important and I am sure not intended. I am going to guess one of two things and I think they are good things for all of us to assume until Carrie speaks for herself. :D The first is perhaps she did not know the word has a negative way it seems to be used or that it has a prejudicial context. And if that is the case it seems there are a lot of us here that also did not know that. :D My second guess is she thought about it and older books often do contain things that now are viewed as derogatory but were not at the time. And in that case she may have looked at the context in the actual story and seen it as was actually used as a diminutive that others say it can sometimes be in the actual context of the story so therefore did not interpret it to be racial since in the story it was not used as a racial slur. It does happen in older books that things can develop after the book was written and what was not meant as a bad word can later over time be a bad word where in the book at the time written it was not.

But either way I am absolutely certain that Carrie would never have something used in her program to be hateful or prejudice to anyone or any group of people ever. Her heart for God is true and she is just a very kind person. :D I would never assume HOD or Carrie had a wrong intention because I know that their heart is so much for God and having a servant's heart to the families they serve. And truly I think contacting her directly would be a great way to handle it. :D I am sure now that it has been brought up on the board she will address it here as well when she sees it. I know this time is busy for her because she is trying to get Rev to Rev to the printer I am sure. But I know she would never be too busy to address this kind of question or to answer to why the book was used if it deeply offended you. But just thinking at it in terms of handling it as a Christian contacting her directly and giving her a chance to answer directly for herself seems like a Christ like way to handle it. :D

I do understand you are offended and angry and I do not mean to diminish that at all just trying to tell you what I know to be true about Carrie and HOD in general. As I said I have an interracial family and we are interracial by adoption. I am protective of my children as well. :D But honestly knowing what I know about Carrie and HOD if I saw something that seemed like it was going to be prejudiced to my kids I would definitely contact her directly and do that thinking the best in her and knowing she will have a Christ like response to my concern. I know first hand I made a mistake in this area myself not knowing it. I named a cat that was black a name my dear friend calls himself and he is African American. It was from a TV show of long ago and I did not actually name it that name becasue it was black it was because it was the best friends name to my other cat in the show and I met one of the actors that did the show as a kid and he was a great guy. Named the cat in CA. Then we moved to GA and low and behold my neighbor from Jamaica was livid at my cat name. I had absolutely no idea anyone ever used that name as a derogatory term. I also had no idea that the KKK still existed until I moved to the South. So sometimes if you are not living it you are just simply not aware. And if you are not aware certainly your intent was not racial. I did change the name of my cat as to not offend. :D And certainly I would not have chosen it if I had known. I would encourage you to think the best of Carrie and I think that is what you are going to find that there is a good explanation. Hoping it makes you feel better to consider there might be one. :D Praying for peace and understanding over this.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by Mom of Three » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:02 pm

Rephrasing and editing and interpreting are something you'll need to do with every curriculum. Because you are unique and you are a homeschooler and you are going to want to adapt things to fit your own family. Your background and the needs of your own family are going to influence the way you do this.

And that is the beauty of homeschooling.

It is personal.
2 daughters in Beyond Little Hearts and CLE Math

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Re: I have a problem with the use of this word in a HOD book

Post by parjackson7 » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:04 pm

I appreciate all of your comments. I spoke at length with a dear friend (who is also godmother to my children) about this after church yesterday. I printed out the posts and asked her thoughts on the topic. She is Jamaican. She took a very deep breath and said that she agreed with my feelings about the word in question. She also felt that it was a word that some people of African heritage use toward other people of African heritage. She felt it would be construed as racist for a "white" person to use it in describing a "black" child, but in some parts of the country it is used as a term of endearment toward "black" children. She said it was a very unfortunate term to allow any measure of acceptance within black culture because it does strongly hearken to the days of slavery and all the ugliness that went along with it.

I have many memories of my high school days when one "black" male would affectionately greet another "black" male with the n-word. It was deemed as being acceptable within the African community to use with others within the African community. If a "white" person used the term in the same manner (to greet a "black" friend), a fight would break break out, because it was not a term that could be used by anyone outside of their culture. I am guessing that the same is true for the p-word (I don't even like typing it.)

When dh and I were taking foster parenting classes, we had a class on cultural sensitivity. One topic was the importance of using professionals of our child's race whenever possible (i.e. take an AA child to an AA dentist or doctor). A young AA woman in our group spoke right up and said, "No way am I letting a (n-word) put his hands in my mouth." There was dead silence. The fact that this young woman didn't think that a person who was "black" could be a good dentist was mind-boggling and incredibly sad.

IMHO as long as these words are used by and accepted by "black" people to describe other "black" people, the so-called slave mentality is going to persevere and there will be bigger and bigger walls built up between the different races and cultures.

DD 8 - Bigger w/extensions
DS 5.5 - LHFHG
DS 5.5 - LHFHG
DD 3 - LHTH but keeping up with big brothers in LHFHG
