Evaluators often have their favorite math programs - as we all certainly do!

There is nothing wrong with that, and I am sure she has good intentions in her advice. However, to say Singapore Math does not adequately prepare dc for standardized testing is quite a broad statement that I ams sure is not supported by formal research.

Actually Singapore Math was brought to the U.S. because of the continual high marks dc received on their standardized testing who had been instructed with Singapore Math.

It was - for the most part - the reason a U.S. edition was made. Carrie actually has her master's degree in education and did her thesis on how to raise math standardized test scores, so choosing a strong math program really was near and dear to her heart.

Here are some great thoughts from Carrie about Singapore Math...
The interesting thing about Singapore is that it does do concepts in a layered approach (layering one concept sequentially on top of the other by using understanding gained from one concept to help kiddos understand the next layer). However, after the section of that particular topic is done (getting more difficult as kiddos move through it), the next section moves onto a different topic and allows kiddos a breather from the hard work and rigor of where the previous topic ended. This gives Singapore a wonderful ebb and flow.
It also allows kiddos to have a bit of break from doing a concept to death and allows their minds to really work on the topic on hand, rather than asking them to recall bits and pieces of every topic every day! In my opinion it is what makes Singapore a more CM approach to math, as kiddos live with a topic for a longer period of time until they can really internalize it. But then, they move on to something else, coming back intermittently to revisit the previous topic in review.
Using this method also means that kiddos aren't expected to master every topic the first time it comes around, because they won't be asked to perform it day-in and day-out and be forced to get it right every day (when they may not have been quite ready to be asked to master it yet)! When it comes back around the next year, I often find my kiddos grasping right away something that had been tough for them before, even though we haven't reviewed it to death in between. We don't do any summer review of math either, yet because my kiddos have been taught through Singapore to think mathematically, they haven't lost any ground over the summer. They are still able to think mathematically when school rolls back around. With my oldest son, I always felt the need to drill him in the summer, so he wouldn't forget all the steps to the various types of math problems or forget how to do the computation part. With Singapore, I don't feel that pressure as my kiddos aren't memorizing steps that can be forgotten but are learning to reason and think through a process.
We've also noticed one more bonus with Singapore. In the other math programs I used with my older son, we found that he was often so exhausted by all of the review at the beginning of each math lesson that when it came time to do the hard work of really understanding and learning a new concept, he was already tired before he started! We find Singapore to be shorter bursts of work that really stretch the mind, while utilizing the mind at its peak right from the start of the lesson.
I have come to really appreciate Singapore Math, as my oldest has completed it through 6A, and my middle ds through 3B. One is mathy, and one is not. However, both have received excellent scores in math on the Iowa Basic Skills tests. I do think that not every child is going to exceed in math, and for some dc (as with any subject area), math may be more of a struggle. This seems to become more apparent as dc get older (about when they reach 5th grade on up IMO). The Lord gave different gifts to different people, and math is no different than anything else. Often times those students who are not gifted in math, are very gifted in some other area. Thank the Lord we have different gifts which gives a needed balance to the world!

That being said, I have enjoyed Singapore Math for both of our dc, though one is more gifted in math than the other, and we have found both of them to score well on tests. Here is an excerpt from a previous thread where I shared what I like best about Singapore...
Math is a subject that has a finite body of information to be learned, and Singapore does this in a clear, systematic way that encourages mental math. IMO, strong mental math is the goal. It is something needed every day, in every walk of life. These are the top things I appreciate about Singapore...
1. it teaches the "why" behind the "how" of math; it doesn't just drill - it teaches how to "think" mathematically
2. it is strong on mental math
3. it teaches pictorially, which helps dc visualize the mathematic operations they are doing
4. it is strong on problem solving
5. it is short, has no prep, and is consistent
6. it has a strong track record of dc testing well on standardized testing
We really like Singapore, but like any math program, it takes a bit to get into it. I think Singapore deserves a year's try. It will seem different at first, but that's because of all of the above points I listed. If you're going to give Singapore a try for a month, you probably won't really get a good read on how it will go long-term. One last thing, I am a firm believer in the "less is more" theory when it comes to math problems (as well as with things like cursive handwriting, etc.). If a child can show you they fully understand the math concept in 10-15 problems, why would I make him do 50 problems and have him start to rush to get through all those problems and start to have the habit of carelessness? Math should not take forever to do. Singapore looks deceivingly simple - it is not. It is more than difficult enough, but it does not overkill a skill. The HOD activities up through Singapore 2B are awesome, and I believe a necessary part to do with Singapore at the younger ages (that should be more hands-on). However, there is a time to give up the hands-on part of math, IMO, and it has been a good time to give it up at 3A. Finally, we've never added anything to Singapore other than we do flashcards in the summer. Our dc are completely different learners and both thriving with Singapore. That's the bottom line of why I love Singapore!
Still, HOD recognizes that math should be an area you have choices in, so any math program will work with HOD.

If you feel it is not a good fit for your child, you can certainly try something else - but, I'd not throw in the towel based on one evaluator's thoughts. You know your child best, and you will be your child's teacher for years to come. I pray you will have some clarity about this decision, and I hope something here can help as you get to know Singapore better!
In Christ,