DITHOR question

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DITHOR question

Post by renee » Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:43 am

MY son is in third grade and we are not using DITHOR. We are using readers that have a study guide with them (we do orally Q&A style). I have looked at DITHOR and I am not yet comfortable with not knowing what the story is about. I find we need a more traditional style reading program with question and answer format. I know HOD gives you room to choose your own reading program.

We are using Sonlight readers because of the study guides offered. I am using Rod and Staff 3 now for grammar (switched from Abeka). I am pretty sure I will be using all of HOD's writing programs in the future, as well. Will I be missing out on writing or other skills if I do not use DITHOR? The Sonlight readers cover comprehension. We are just so comfortable with them and I am hoping I will not have any "gaps" in his learning.

Thank you


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Re: DITHOR question

Post by Carrie » Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:25 pm


While you can certainly continue with Sonlight's readers if desired, I'll just mention a few things about DITHR that you may want to ponder. :D Coming from using Sonlight's readers and questions with my oldest son for a couple of years early in his schooling, I can share that the focus of DITHR and the focus of Sonlight's readers definitely differs. As you've already mentioned, Sonlight's reading focus tends more toward the question and answer format with many of the questions falling on the comprehension end of Bloom's taxonomy. DITHR tends more toward discussion, with leading questions that are designed to promote higher level thinking and deeper analysis of the story. :D But most importantly, DITHR is also designed to teach kiddos to read with moral discernment, using the Bible and Biblical character traits as the scale by which to weigh character's actions and behaviors. Once your kiddos are reading well, they will truly outread you. This is the moment when you will need to really start putting strong effort into teaching your kiddos to read with moral discernment. :D I would hate for you to miss out on DITHR and all it has to offer.

In truth, you still know what is going on with the child's reading for quite a few years in DITHR. At the 2/3 Level, the student reads his/her pages to you aloud every day. At the 4/5 level, the student still reads aloud to you several pages every other day and you have discussions often with the child about his/her book (and I always have the book in hand during these discussions and am skimming over the day's pages as we discuss). At the 6/7/8 level, you'll be amazed at how much you know about the book after meeting with your child, discussing the book with the child, and seeing the depth of insight the child will show you in his/her responses in the Student Book. It is truly a progression that you will not want to miss as there is much fruit to born in the process. :D We have found that interactive discussion is much more fulfilling than one-right answer questions. There is much comfort to be gained in watching your children sift, sort, and grapple with the answers rather than having them down pat. :D It is a different type of teaching. :D

If you have other questions, ask away! :D


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Re: DITHOR question

Post by renee » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:08 pm

Thank you so much! It does sound like something I want to have my child work towards. I guess the Q&A style readers are a "comfort zone" for me. I realize, through your post, this may not be the best choice for my child in the long run. Thank you for sharing that with me.



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Re: DITHOR question

Post by LovingJesus » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:46 pm

renee wrote:Thank you so much! It does sound like something I want to have my child work towards. I guess the Q&A style readers are a "comfort zone" for me. I realize, through your post, this may not be the best choice for my child in the long run. Thank you for sharing that with me.


I just wanted to share with you Renee that my oldest son has read Sonlight readers up through Level 4/5. I understand the comfort of the questions and having that structure in place for each book they read. When I came to HOD, recently, I placed him in DITHR for his new reading program. I still haven't figured out all of it, but I am LOVING it. I have had 'real' discussions with him that I thought we would have with SL readers, but never did. His insights into the character of Thomas Edison have really been eye-opening. So have the sharing of his own character that I wasn't even aware that he knew about himself! The discussion alone of 'character' that we all need to develop in life is worth volumes. O.K. I am only 1 1/2 weeks into DITHR, but so far I am extremely pleased with the new depth of discussion and character accountability I see built into the discussions we have shared. It has been very valuable time spent with my son.

In Christ,
Thankful for Jesus Christ, my DH, our four children, and homeschooling. Homeschooled since 2007

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