This might be obvious to many,

but it was a lightbulb moment for me! You know how most construction paper comes with the colors separated (ie: in order of red, pink, purple, blue, white, black, repeat the pattern, etc). Well, I've always had the paper in a cabinet and we had to sort through the whole pile to find what we wanted. Well, a friend of mine and I came up with the idea to sort them into the individual colors and file them - all red together, all blue together, etc. So now, we can get it without sorting through the papers, accidentally messing up papers, shuffling them all around, etc. I have them in a little file box now, and I feel so "together"! ha! I'm hoping it will help my kids with getting more independent on doing their projects, as well, because they now have easy access to the paper.
I'm in the process of organizing everything to start school in a month or less, so... I'll be searching the board for other organization ideas. I know they are out there, but if you have a simple one to share... especially about what you do with all of the pencils, pens, tape, glue, etc, I'd appreciate it!