So we've made it to the second selection in Beyond, the adventure book. Out of the suggestions offered I chose Twenty-one Balloons knowing that the others didn't have a prayer with him. But alas, that one has flopped, too. We're just 3 chapters in and if I were to be perfectly honest I'm bored as well. No kidding here...I read a page totally out of sync and order, just random words strung together and then asked what he thought. Response: "It's good." with a glazed look in his eye. He sooooo was not even in the same room with me.
So, wringing my brain, I'm trying to think of other options that might actually interest him (like Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Treasure Island, Robinson Caruso??). Might you all have some other ideas?
I know I'll probably have to do some more searching for the other genres as well. He's just that type of fella.
Thanks so much!