I remember first getting married and hearing ladies at my church discussing their Bible Quiet Time. I thought, "I should be doing that... but what is it?" I think my parents had Bible Quiet Times, looking back, but we never talked about it, and I think it was usually before I got up in the morning so I never really saw it. I knew my parents each had their own Bibles, and loved reading them, and knew a lot about the Bible. But, I didn't know about their Bible Quiet Times, therefore, I never had one until later in life. This is just one example of how our parents can have excellent habits we may not necessarily pick up on or learn on our own.

It is a good reminder of how important it is to teach my dc the habits I want them to have, while also making sure I have those habits myself.
When you say the words "present application", I think HOD has it to the "nth" degree.

However, to apply something, you must first see how others applied it, made it their own, learned from it, and then turn around and apply it to your own life. HOD chooses amazing people for our dc to learn from, and then carefully plans discussions, activities, and follow-up assignments to further help our dc apply what they've read to their own lives. We are doing Bigger Hearts and RTR right now, so I'll try to point out a few examples from these guides as they are fresh in my mind.
For example, in Bigger Hearts, the Bible Study box focuses Godly character traits along with memorization of Proverbs. Day 2 has personal application of that Godly character quality, Day 3 has a devotional reading that corresponds to that quality, Day 4 has a practical application of that quality, and Day 5 focuses on a Biblical passages showing that quality. The plans are very specific in asking dc to apply what has been learned in the here and now. Guiding questions ask them to apply the Godly character trait to their own lives. Activities ask them to specifically plan how they will model that trait "today". Just yesterday, this was my ds's present application for this... "Choose one way that you can be more honest and delight God. Make sure to do it today." My ds chose to be honest about what he had really played with his little brother. (He'd tearfully confessed he'd lied to me about this before.)

But, he decided to fess up after we had studied the Godly character trait of "honesty" in Bigger Hearts - he told me he wanted to be honest, and choose not to lie about that anymore. He felt a huge weight had been lifted, and I felt glad he'd changed his heart (a.k.a. practically applied what he'd learned).
In Bigger Hearts Storytime box, he has to compare the book characters to a Biblical person with a Godly character quality in mind. The quality we just studied was "joy". We talked about troubles he has had, and what he could do in times of trouble to still be joyful about the faith he has in Christ. He came up with pray, sing happy praise music, and whistle. I heard him whistling the other day when he accidentally dumped the dustbuster contents all over the floor. He winked and said, "I'm just finding some joy, mom!"

Personal application strikes again.
In history, we talked about soldiers and how they gave so much for this country. He said to me the other day, "Mom, American soldiers give up so much for our freedom, still today, don't they?" I said tearfully, "Yes, they do, and so do their wives and their dc. They are not only incredibly brave men, they are incredibly brave families."
In "Drawn into the Heart of Reading", we've been studying the genre humor. When the boys were watching "Lion King 1 1/2", they both decided that while it was pretty funny, the body noises parts were probably ill humor for real life. In DITHOR, we'd just talked about how burping loudly was ill humor, and humor not appreciated by any mature person within hearing distance.
We are doing "Resurrection to Reformation" with our oldest ds. The practical application is HUGE at this stage of learning. I am finding the more my dc age and move through HOD guides, the more their learning just becomes a natural part of their life.
For example, Wyatt just built a glider for science. He showed Bernoulli's principle by adjusting the fuselage, as well as changing air flow patterns by altering curved and flat surfaces to gain more lift. Riley came over and they were deep in conversation about what alterations to make. Riley shared what he knew about planes/air flow from what he'd read about the Wright Brothers, and Wyatt said, "Oh yeah, I remember that, let's give that a try, buddy."
The present application of "Boyhood and Beyond" is so plentiful, I hardly know where to begin. One example - Bob Schultz told a story about Mr. Slothful and Mr. Industry. When Wyatt was working hard on cleaning his room, he said, "Just call me Mr. Industry, Mom! Mr. Slothful moved out and isn't welcome back!"

He just finished his RTR guide as of today, and he is choosing to have a Bible Quiet Time each morning still (a mixture of application from "Boyhood and Beyond" and RTR's Bible Quiet Time box's influence). When watching a movie, Wyatt came out and said, "I think there's a better use for this time for me, Mom. I think I'm going to work on a project I've got going instead." (Application of good use of time lesson we had in HOD.)
We just finished "God's Design for My Body", and Wyatt had a newfound sadness for 2 young teenagers we know whom are expecting a baby soon. He said, "Mom, their lives will never be the same." They are thinking about adoption and Wyatt said, "Don't you think they will look at that sweet little baby's face they made together and think, let's get married, let's raise this child of ours together."
The other day Wyatt quoted Emily Dickinson's poetry out of the blue. He seemed to think the book fairs were full of people who actually knew me personally. I had said something to the effect, "Oh honey, no one even knows who I am. I'm just a homeschool mom helping other homeschool moms." He said, "Well then, mom, I'm nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody too? Well then there's a pair of us - don't tell. They'd banish us, you know. Don't worry though mom, it's dreary to be somebody. Sort of like a frog talking all day to a bog." I laughed and hugged him and told him, "Well, yes, a happy pair of nobodies we are then my dear, in good company with Miss Emily Dickinson."
In church, we sang a hymn by Isaac Watts. Wyatt whispered to me, "Did you know Watts wrote over 600 hymns during his life?"
Today Wyatt told me he is going to copy the recipes he made out of RTR this year, so he can add to his collection of recipes. (He already copied the Egyptian pastries and a bread recipe from CTC from last year.) On his deer hunting trip this year, he baked bread for everyone that was going, and that was his contribution to the meals.
Wyatt pulls out the directions for everything we buy him and follows them to a tee with no problem. We got the boys Rokenbok for their b-days, and within an hour they had all of it set up and running perfectly.

Wyatt has built shoe racks, toys, and home project type things for me, all due to the skills he learned in the History Project boxes of HOD.
Well, it's getting late, but here's a funny grand finale to this practical application post. It's bedtime, and Emmett is sleeping. Wyatt and Riley are having their quiet time together. Riley just now, this very instance, came down and showed me a page that says "Kon-keree! Kon-keree!" in his
Rascal book. He said, "Mom, I think this is the bird call we heard last night at the fire pit. I know what bird it is now - it was a red-winged blackbird." We had heard a strange bird call last night while sitting outside, and guess what I saw on the lawn today - 2 red-winged blackbirds. How's that for some practical application?
I hope this has helped you see how HOD is extremely adept at encouraging practical application in the here and now. It becomes more and more evident as dc grow and mature, but rest assured, it's there.

Hats off to you to recognize you wish you'd had more practical application growing up, and now want to be amply sure you give your dc those skills! Often times, the things we wish we'd been taught as a child but weren't, are the very things we become passionate about teaching to our own dc. I think you have a very wise wish for your dc here - HOD will be your partner and best advocate in accomplishing that goal.
In Christ,