moedertje - Loved your little note at the end of the math book.

I'm pretty sure our Singapore 2 books both have, "Math is fun, and I am done!" written in the back of them.

Never did an ice cream date...gonna have to keep that one quiet unless we decide to start.

Your boys are doing great with their work! We really liked that rhyme, too. I did 1 somersault, too....those were SOOO much more fun when I was a kid.

Allison let me opt to do a jumping jack in November instead.
Catherine - I left you a comment on your blog. You are a great photographer!!

Lovely pictures of your kids & their school fun.
Kristin - I love seeing those precious LHTH pictures.

I have to say I'm a little jealous of that beachy-looking weather in the background outside...we're not quite there in Kansas yet.

Feel better soon!
Rebecca - Aren't you glad that you can share your HOD enthusiasm here and we all agree with you??!

We're loving CTC right along with you. I saw that your son was reading Sign of the Beaver. That was a definite favorite here! I love Carrie's book choices.

I love your little guy's leopard in armor. That will be fun to do when we get there. Great DITHOR project, too. Sooo...what was your family celebration? We've enjoyed that project here a couple of times.
Julie - I always learn something when I read your posts.

This week, you've reminded me to be doing a better job of commenting on Grant's work when we go over it. There are weeks when I'd rather "ignore" it for a few days...not the best idea for him or me. Not that I usually give into this temptation

...but I am tempted occasionally. I'm so thankful for the wonderful HOD guides that keep being written to pave the way for us to keep homeschooling with joy & excellence.

I love all the Bigger pictures! Riley is doing great!

(I actually love everyone's pictures...not that I don't like to read about your weeks, but I do love the pictures.) We had quite the gold rush here when we did Bigger, too.

I love being able to all join in on things like this. It makes the child who is the real student in that guide feel special & important. Garret picked out right away that Emmet has the same shotgun as him.

Double barrel?