Tomorrow we are supposed to start Door in the Wall for storytime. We just finished the historical fiction genre in DITHOR, and my daughter read that for her book choice. I was so careful to make sure she didn't choose any books she was going to be reading in her extension readings, but I forgot to look at storytime. Oops! I'm also combining her with my son in Preparing, and he really wants to read Door in the Wall. So, what should I do? I have 7 kids, so 2 separate storytimes is out of the question. I thought that maybe I could read the next book in the Raiders from the Sea series for storytime, and let my son read Door in the Wall for the next DITHOR genre that it could fit into. (Not Historical Fiction, because we won't get back around to that until next year!) If I do that, what other genre could it fit into? If there are none, he'll just have to wait!
Are there any other thoughts? Is the next Raiders book a good choice, or is it being used elsewhere in HOD? Or, does anyone recommend another book that could be substituted for Door in the Wall? Carrie, do you have any recommendation?
Thanks in advance for your advice.