Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

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Sheila in OK
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Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Tue May 26, 2009 1:55 pm

Hi there, it's me again. :D I have ordered Bigger to do with my 3rd/6th graders next year, and after looking it over, I really like it, especially for my ds. However, I would really like to use next year to get my dd to the point of being ready to do CTC the next year so she won't be too far 'behind' in the cycle (I've even considered putting her in it next year, but not sure she is ready for that much independence--long story).

Anyway, obviously I'll be doing math/LA at her own level while ds does Bigger pretty much as written. What I'm wondering is if it would be worthwhile to purchase the Preparing guide to help me in planning her LA. It would have the R&S scheduled and I'm assuming would have dictation passages that are more to her level. Also I was thinking I might do the Bible study from Preparing as well with her. Do you think this would be good preparation for her to go into CTC the next year, even if I'm not following the left side of the plans? I would then use the Preparing guide completely the next year with ds while dd moves into CTC.

Is this doable, especially given it's my first year with HOD? And both dc will be using DITHOR as well.


09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by DHT1999 » Tue May 26, 2009 4:50 pm

Hi, Sheila! You and I have ended up in the same boat AGAIN :lol: .

I ordered the Preparing Guide to use the LA alongside Biggers. Yes, you can do what you are describing. I bet Carrie will respond and give you some direction on that. I don't think it will be difficult at all for you.

I, on the other hand, have decided to wait on Biggers. :cry:

I've decided to back my little guy all the way back to Little Hearts, which we have already started and are pleased with. Preparing as written is just right for my oldest. I decided to forgo the extra American History and just enjoy the Preparing guide as written. It all blends together so well. So, my oldest will be covering some American History this summer.

Anyways, you can make it work. If my youngest was doing Biggers, I would have combined and it would have been fine.
2011-2012: Creation to Christ & Bigger Hearts

"He maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children." - Psalm 113:9

Sheila in OK
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Tue May 26, 2009 7:21 pm

Hi again Donna!
I saw on the eloop that you had decided to do Preparing and wondered why. Now I understand. I would be in a similar position if Bigger was not such a perfect fit for my ds! :)

I figured it would probably be doable but wanted to make sure. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew our first year with HOD.

I'm glad you found a combo that will work for your dc. I am *so* excited to have something that is a perfect fit for my younger child--he has been a tagalong for too long!

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by my3sons » Wed May 27, 2009 2:11 pm

Sheila - I do think you could do the right side of PHFHG with your older child, and then do Bigger Hearts for the rest. Doing the Bigger Hearts extension package (along with the suggested independent history/science follow-up activities in the Appendix) would also help prepare her for CTC if that is your end goal. :D

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Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
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Sheila in OK
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Wed May 27, 2009 4:47 pm

Thanks Julie, that makes me feel better!

I'm kind of having to change my mindset here, since I'm coming from Sonlight where I wanted to avoid doing two core programs at all costs. I'm starting to see, however, that HOD is different and running two programs will be entirely doable once I get my dd a bit more independent!

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by my3sons » Thu May 28, 2009 8:21 am

Sheila in OK wrote:Thanks Julie, that makes me feel better!

I'm kind of having to change my mindset here, since I'm coming from Sonlight where I wanted to avoid doing two core programs at all costs. I'm starting to see, however, that HOD is different and running two programs will be entirely doable once I get my dd a bit more independent!
You are so right here - HOD is different in that way, which I've learned to love! :D I know doing 2 cores of Sonlight is difficult (my oldest sister tried that for one year way back - one year only :wink: ). Anyway, the way HOD is written makes it easy to run 2 (or even 3) programs. One thing I've learned makes this possible is that each guide becomes more independent for dc. From an early age, we teach our dc to become familiar with the HOD guides. Even my ds doing Beyond has learned to look in the history box and get the appropriate history book for us to read together. By Bigger Hearts, my ds and I shared the guide and he began checking off his boxes as he completed them, and last year in PHFHG, it was his guide as much as mine. He loved being able to move forward without waiting for me.

I've noticed in other curriculums I've used that they try to keep activities very general, I think so they can say that a very wide age range can use their guides. For example, they may say "write a narration" instead of HOD's way of guiding students to do what they should be doing for their age: "Reread p. 18-20 of your history reading from today. Discuss these questions with your parent... Write a 5 sentence narration. Make sure to have a beginning, middle, and end - also be sure to answer Who? What? When?... etc." This guidance is key, IMO, to growing in skills. Plus, the child knows what is expected of him, and there is no arguing with the parent about what is too much and what is too little. Anyway, I'll get off of my soapbox here :lol: - just had to espouse on one of my favorite ins and outs of HOD! :D
Last edited by my3sons on Thu May 28, 2009 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by momontheprairie » Thu May 28, 2009 12:29 pm

I know all about the Sonlight thing. We tried to do two cores, but it was just too much. Now I am doing Little Hearts and Preparing and it is going much, much better. It is also more fun and age appropriate. :D
Married to Major Dan for the last 13 years. :)
Preparing with ds 11, 9, and 7
Little Hearts with dd 4
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Sheila in OK
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Thu May 28, 2009 2:51 pm

Yes, that's the main reason we left Sonlight. It was OK for my older child but the younger one was LOST. It makes a lot of sense to me now to beef UP for the oldest instead of trying to scale back for the youngest. Too bad I didn't figure that out a year ago, but oh well. :wink:

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Carrie » Sat May 30, 2009 11:12 am


I agree that this would work. Once you get your Preparing Hearts guide, you can see which sections from the right side that you want to use with your 6th grader. I would use the upped level of Rod and Staff English, the higher level of dictation passages, and the higher level of math for sure (if you're using Singapore). Then, you can explore possibly using the poetry study with poems from Robert Louis Stevenson (or at least the creative writing lessons on Day 2 that go with the poetry), possibly the Psalms study, and even consider the science. :D


Sheila in OK
Posts: 61
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Sat May 30, 2009 1:24 pm

Thanks for chiming in here, Carrie. :) Yes, I was definitely going to do the Psalms study with her because I think it would be much more age-appropriate than the study in Bigger. Do you think the R&S English 4 will be a high enough level for her? I was debating between that and level 5. I know level 5 isn't scheduled until CTC. She's used Easy Grammar 5 this year more or less successfully but of course it doesn't include diagramming.

And I've already ordered Igniting your Writing to add in to the mix.

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Carrie » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:21 am


You really could do either English 4 at full-speed or do English 5 at half-speed over two years. Both would accomplish your goals. :D


Sheila in OK
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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Sheila in OK » Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:28 pm

OK, that makes sense. :) Thanks! I'm hoping to get a chance to look at both of these levels at a book fair this weekend, but at this point I am leaning towards using level 4.

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: Combining Preparing & Bigger--would this work?

Post by Carrie » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:22 am

I would also lean toward using Level 4. :wink:


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