[quote="1GirlTwinBoys"]I had a chance to speak with Carrie yesterday and she was so nice and helpful.

I have been so confused about which direction to go with math and she encouraged me to at least look at Singapore for my boys who will be in K and my DD in 1st. I just hesitate so much because I really struggle with math myself and have never had any algebra or higher level math.

I graduated from a VERY small private school back in 87'.

So basically I was wanting to go with a more scripted/hand holding math. I saw some of the 3rd grade word problems in Singapore and gasped!
Anyway, just curious what everyone else is doing for math that have children using the younger packages. We will be using "Little Hearts" starting this summer.[/quote
We are using Singapore as written in LHFHG and loving it. Like you, math was the one subject I wasn't sure about being able to teach, but with Carrie's careful lesson planning and wonderful activities math, like everything with LHFHG, has been a breeze to teach. As a matter of fact, I teach it last, not only because that is how it is written in the lesson plans, but also because my dd loves to linger with our math lesson and often wants to do more. The daily lesson plans are well-written, easy to implement, short and effective, I can't see how you could go wrong with Singapore.