I'm so lazy...

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I'm so lazy...

Post by MomtoJGJE » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:32 am

I'm posting this to let other people who might be struggling know it's not just them!

Now that I have one child going to school and two of them in mostly independent guides (Preparing is almost completely independent for us because they read their own history as well as the ind history and science), I've found myself to be really lazy when it comes to school for Evie and Penelope.

Evie has some processing stuff going on and isn't reading well yet, so she seems younger school wise. She's technically 2nd grade, but I basically teach her as 1st grade. And first grade for us isn't very consistent because I don't tend to be consistent with them for full school days until they are 7 (compulsory age here). So it's hard for me to do much more than math and her working on reading with her leapfrog stuff. She's doing well in math. She's about 1/4 of the way through 1B and we didn't start the K books until the beginning of last school year... actually about this time last year.

Penelope will be 4 in a couple of weeks. She will do about three pages out of a dollar store shapes and colors workbook per week. It's always her bringing the book to me to do it. I had intended on starting LHTH last January with her, but at that point I was running Preparing and Bigger as well as RTR and starting Evie with LHFHG. So I decided to wait until July to start... that's when we officially start our new school year, and I knew I wouldn't have anyone starting anything new at that point. Well, July was insanely busy, and then Jayden was starting school in August as well as a beach trip we took. So I said I was going to start here in October since she was going to be turning 4. Well, now I just don't want to :shock: I just simply do not want to add that in right now because I'm struggling with everything else. So now I have no idea when I'll start it with her.

Anyway, I had told the kids that this week we were buckling down and working hard between now and Thanksgiving. All of us. Of course I forgot to remind them before bed last night, so everyone did work and chores today, but not like I had intended. But now they've been reminded and so tomorrow at 8:30 they will have 30 minutes of chores and then they will work diligently on school until lunch time. At that point they will stop. So in theory I'll get at least one full day in with Evie and Penelope both every day.

Like I said, this post is for anyone else who is struggling. I'm having to chant to myself "I can do this for roughly six weeks. It's less than two months. I can be consistent!"

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Re: I'm so lazy...

Post by MelInKansas » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:23 pm

Each additional one is certainly harder to get with it and be consistent. Many other moms with large families say the same thing. And yet, somehow the younger ones still learn the things they need to know, and do a good job. So the Lord's got it, and the fact that they have such a rich learning environment with all of the siblings along with parents to teach them things (sometimes good things and sometimes bad of course). My 4 year old, I am exactly the same way with him right now, he could do LHTH (except he already knows the letters and numbers and most of the other things they say they would need "academically") But I am the one who's not ready to add him in yet. So we are still floating and he's making maps, and finally learning to write his name, and trying to read everything he sees.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

DD12 - Rev to Rev + DITHOR 6/7/8
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DD2 - ABC123
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Re: I'm so lazy...

Post by Robbi » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:47 am

Oh man, we are so the same! But my almost 4 year old has no desire to do any school. He just wants to play. We are working on (one day a week at least, ha ha) on him just sitting down when i tell him to and listen to a story or do something! I may start LHTH after Christmas because then he'll be 4 but we'll see. :D
DD 20 Graduated from HOD
DS 16 All dual credit for his senior year.
DS 11 RevtoRec
We have now used all the guides!

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