my3sons wrote: I would do LHTH again with the higher level devotional with the 2 of them. I'd also add the Kindergarten Essentials Math from Little Hearts for His Glory (LHFHG) for your 5 yo, as well as a handwriting program that works on the formation of letters. A Reason for Handwriting K or Italic A would be the choices HOD recommends, but you can use any handwriting you'd like. I'd also add the Fine Motor Skills books from LHFHG, which are "Do It Carefully" and "Finding the Answers." I'd wait on phonics. This will 'up' the level of LA/math in the areas your 5 yo is needing it, while still make it successful to combine the 2 girls....
As far as the house goes, at this stage, whatever you can do so you can wake up and start your day with a fairly clean house, as in 'clean' so you are not
In Christ,
Well, update! I am wondering if I didn't make the best choice now!

I should have taken your advice to repeat LHTH and combine them!! I had decided not to combine my two in the end, but it backfired on me! I ended up going ahead with LHFHG at half-speed with my kindergartener. I planned to spend several weeks getting into a routine with her (letting her little sis glean as she would) and then starting BFIAR with my 3.5 year old. BUT!! my 3.5 year old has simply stepped up to the occasion!! Not only has she caught up with her sis in nearly everything, including starting to read(!), but I wouldn't put it past her to pass her big sis up! (my K is pretty kick-back, lives all of life at low-speed

)Ahhh! So now I am at a loss as to what to do for next year. She isn't even 4 yet, and she is basically in kindergarten already. Help! The pediatrician says, "don't hold her back!" but I am thinking part 2 of LHFHG is pushing it a little for her age. Or a lot. Any advice??