We hope to have a 72 hour preview coming this weekend (or by Monday or Tuesday at the latest) for those customers who have signed up to receive our email newsletter. If you haven't signed up to receive our email newsletter, you can do so by going to http://www.heartofdakota.com and clicking on the "sign up for our email newsletter" icon near the top of the homepage. Families will be able to order the resources during that 72 hour preview, and also gain some extra savings by doing so during the preview hours. After the preview ends, the ordering page will go live on our website for the general public.

We plan to ship the first installment of plans and notebook pages on September 15. There is no possible way for us to ship the first installment any earlier, as it has taken more time than we planned to get all of the resources selected. Some of the resources that we desired to use were out of print and required extra time to work out how to make them available to our customers. It was definitely worthwhile though, as we are thrilled with the product line-up and with the progress the Lord has allowed us to make during the last month.

Please be aware that the guide will be written in "real time" as each installment of lesson plans gets ready to ship, meaning that there will be no way to send plans ahead for units we do not have written. If you decide to join us during our journey through U.S. History, you will need to be aware that the installments will come regularly as you need them but you will not be able to work ahead. This is how the World History guide was done last year, and it seemed to work well for the families who chose to use the World History guide in this manner. One other consideration to be aware of is that the grading and course descriptions will not be written until the guide is complete, so you will not have those components until after the school year ends. The completed guide will ship in late July of next year.

We pray that those of you who are on our email list will enjoy the coming 72 hour preview and that the Lord may richly bless those families who join us as we journey through U.S. History this year!
