Now that the dishes are done, my thoughts are back on my current dilemma and I'm hoping someone can help me out here.

Here is the situation: With my oldest dd being the first one to go through high school and trying to familiarize myself with how this should all go, I think I've messed up the science portion.
She did Rev2Rev last year as a 9th grader and did the EE Kit with lab which counted as Physical Science high school credit. (In my state, this is considered elective credit rather than a science credit). Typically, as a 10th grader, she should be doing Biology this year. But for some reason, I didn't get the pieces all figured out correctly. She moved into the World Geo guide this year for 10th grade and is doing the Science as written there which is IPC. I am now realizing that she really doesn't need two high school credits in Physical Science and that she will be behind now in getting in all the desired sciences for high school.
My question: Can I add to the IPC course (she is 12 weeks in) - either to the Physics part or the Chemistry part to count it as either a Physics Credit or a Chemistry credit (rather than IPC credit)? (If I did that, I would leave out the 6 units of the IPC course that we weren't focusing on). Or should I just ditch it right now and go to a Biology course and just go through the summer with it so she can have Biology done before 11th grade? She feels like she has had a lot of the IPC stuff already and is really interested in Biology. She is not heading towards a science career path. My state only requires 3 science years for credit (one IPC/Physics/Chemistry, one biology, and one other approved science).
Also, with the lab portion added into the IPC course scheduled in the Geo Guide, can this be counted as more than just IPC? She is doing the full lab portion as scheduled.
I hope this makes any sense at all! If you can help me, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!