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Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:27 am
by Momtoamayalilal2
I've tried a search here and can't seem to find a thread for a supply list for Little hands....Does anyone have one? I'd like to make sure I have everything on hand at all times..
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:57 am
by inHistiming
I haven't made a list. I do know Carrie tries to set up her activities using things that are usually on hand in a home. I would imagine paint, cotton balls, fingerpainting paper, etc. would be things on the list. Maybe there's someone who has made a list that will get back to you on that.
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:58 am
by Jessi
There isn't a supply list that is separate from what you are doing in the guide. I found that if I look a month ahead at a time and make a list of everything I'll need then I can get what we don't have at the store...or figure out a free substitution I have at home that doesn't diminish the quality of the product. A supply list would be nice but then I'd buy everything I'd need in one sitting...I tend to be an impulsive spender especially when I have a list. I want it all and I want it now...then my hubby would order me to live in the garage with everything I purchased! So this forces me to be more patient and deliberate.
It isn't hard at all to look through the pages and make a list of everything you need. The great thing is that most everything in the guides we already have at home, so there is very little purchasing we need to do.
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:13 pm
by inHistiming
Jessi wrote:...I tend to be an impulsive spender especially when I have a list. I want it all and I want it now...then my hubby would order me to live in the garage with everything I purchased!
This is my husband exactly...he doesnt' like clutter (unfortunately he has to live with it every day...I'm working on it) and always has to know what the purpose is, where's it gonna go, etc. before we buy something. I guess there needs to be some voice of reason in the family!
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:02 pm
by Carrie
The guide is designed for moms to be able to open-and-go, so if you have basic art supplies and playdough or clay, you should be set! I don't plan ahead at all.
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:49 am
by momof4
I'm a huge list maker!! Last year I started out making a list each week of everything needed for that week. Looking back, I spent WAY to much time on this. By about week 5, I finally admitted that LHTH is truly open and go! This is assuming you have various things already around (constuction paper, paints, glue, markers, crayons, etc). I see you have an older son so you probably do! I just started LOOKING at the up coming week and seeing if there was anything we might be out of (Cheerios, for example) and decided if I needed to buy it or if I could substitute something else we did have (noodles or beans). NO LISTS! Unless, it was to add to my grocery list. It was SO much easier!
Re: Supply list for LHTH?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:59 am
by Momtoamayalilal2
momof4 wrote:Amber,
I'm a huge list maker!! Last year I started out making a list each week of everything needed for that week. Looking back, I spent WAY to much time on this. By about week 5, I finally admitted that LHTH is truly open and go! This is assuming you have various things already around (constuction paper, paints, glue, markers, crayons, etc). I see you have an older son so you probably do! I just started LOOKING at the up coming week and seeing if there was anything we might be out of (Cheerios, for example) and decided if I needed to buy it or if I could substitute something else we did have (noodles or beans). NO LISTS! Unless, it was to add to my grocery list. It was SO much easier!
Ok...thanks everyone! I tend to over- plan/over-analyze...I do have most of the basic art supplies hanging around but will make sure I glance ahead at the week to make sure I have everything I need
Thanks again,