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God's Hand In Life's Little Moments!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:50 pm
by water2wine
Did you all see that it is a free gift with an order of $75 or more?!?! Well I am so excited I got mine and was so happy to get it as a gift! How awesome. But I noticed that it had the same 5 day set up so my kids have per segment. And I also notice it is going to hit me right between the eyes with my Attitude. And it looks like it is going to hit me as a mom, wife, woman and teacher :shock: So anyone doing this with me...I think I may need some company. :lol:

Seriously though it looks awesome and I am excited to start it with my kids. It looks like the perfect ME study to do with BHFG with all the character emphasis there. Anyone doing it already, or going to do it?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:58 pm
by shera
I saw that as well but unfortunately I had already placed my order :( so I can't get it free. It looks good though. Not sure I can justify another expenditure at this time. We are trying to pay of credit cards and I keep adding more to them thanks to curriculum.


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:07 pm
by Melanie
I just saw this on the new site and was wishing I needed (or had) $75 so I could get this book. It would be so awesome if all of us could do it together.

On a side note...we are working through a book about our attitudes as Christian women in our ladies class at church, and W2W you are so does hit you right between the eyes! :wink: The trick for me is knowing what my attitude is BEFORE I open my mouth!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:11 pm
by water2wine
Melanie wrote: The trick for me is knowing what my attitude is BEFORE I open my mouth!
Oh I think that might be why it is a good study for me. I need to learn that! :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:39 pm
by annaz
I just bought it.....and it is great! Love the way it's set up by wife, mom, etc.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:58 pm
by Carrie

I am so glad you are excited about the devotional. :D It was written by my precious sister, and she is such a heartfelt person. The stories will make you laugh and cry, but most of all you'll be uplifted in your daily walk with the Lord.

I enjoyed reading it so much, and the short Bible study really spoke to my heart. We will pray it does the same for each of you wonderful ladies. There is such a need for good devotionals for moms juggling all of the roles that we have. This is a real ministry for my sister, and I know she'll love having all of you get to know her better as she shares her life with you through "God's Hand in Life's Little Moments".


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:17 am
by Candice
Okay, you have talked me into it, I ordered mine last night. Looking forward to starting it!


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:25 am
by water2wine
Carrie wrote: There is such a need for good devotionals for moms juggling all of the roles that we have. This is a real ministry for my sister, and I know she'll love having all of you get to know her better as she shares her life with you through "God's Hand in Life's Little Moments".
Carrie-What about having a little thread for that. I don't know how you feel about that but I do think you are right. Moms that homeschool and really try to fulfill all their godly rolls do need a lift. We are all working in the direct opposite way of what the world is telling us. Maybe we could all lift each other up as we do the devotional.8) Not sure if that fits with your site or not so I completely understand either way but just a thought I had.

Candice- Yeah! So excited to have some other ladies to do the study with. I can see the wisdom in it. I NEED a mommy unit study! :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:48 am
by Dorla
Wow! this morning I received a desperate call from another homeschool mom telling me about how much we need to get together and pray and support each other. Many of us are going through one form or another of the same thing and God is the only one who can fix it.
So, I have ordered my copy plus the CD's and plan to find a way to get us together and ask God for guidance. If mom's are not following God's plan our homes and our children are going to be a mess.
Thank you Carrie and sister (!) for another great resource.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:58 pm
by my3sons
Hi Ladies! I'm sure a lot of you may already know this, but I felt like I should just mention that I am the author of "God's Hand in Life's Little Moments". I was hesitant to post this at first, because I want you to feel like you can share real comments about it here, and I thought my being the author might hinder that. However, the Lord has led me just to put this out there - I hope it doesn't make anything awkward. Please just know that I want you to be able to share your thoughts and feelings about it candidly, without worrying about me "being here". Anyway, I pray that you will enjoy it and that it will in some small way bless you and your family!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:18 pm
by Candice

That is so neat, not awkward at all. I feel priveleged to be able to have you available as I begin and go through God's Hand In Life's Little Moments. Really looking forward to it arriving. I am even more excited knowing you are the author, your posts have always been so helpful and encouraging and I can only imagine that your book will be as well!


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:22 pm
by water2wine
my3sons wrote:Hi Ladies! I'm sure a lot of you may already know this, but I felt like I should just mention that I am the author of "God's Hand in Life's Little Moments". I was hesitant to post this at first, because I want you to feel like you can share real comments about it here, and I thought my being the author might hinder that. However, the Lord has led me just to put this out there - I hope it doesn't make anything awkward. Please just know that I want you to be able to share your thoughts and feelings about it candidly, without worrying about me "being here". Anyway, I pray that you will enjoy it and that it will in some small way bless you and your family!
How awesome! You are Carrie's sister! And you are the author! That is so great! I figured when I posted it that of course since you are her sister and she mentions that her sisters help her with curriculum that you would see it. But here's the deal Carrie is on this board and she sees all our goofy stuff. Doesn't seem to inhibit anyone. :lol: I think it is awesome that you did this book. And I think it is great that you are here. And even better if we do it and you are here to comment!

I do have one complaint. Where is volume two :cry: Is that coming so you can go the entire year with your kids?I am pretty sure I will still need an attitude adjustment by mid year to carry me through to the end. :lol: Seriously though will there be another issue? I can already see it is going to be great!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:32 pm
by Carrie

I think we could add a forum with folder on our website for God's Hand in Life's Little Moments, if you would like to have a special place to join and talk about the devotional? I'll check with my hubby and see if he remembers how to add a folder. What you think?


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:37 pm
by Candice

That would be so great, would really benefit from it! And thank you water2wine for suggesting it!


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:53 pm
by water2wine
Well I think that would be awesome! 8) I think we moms need to keep each other lifted up. We put so much into nurturing our children spiritually that I think we forget that to do that well we must first fill our cup with God. I know that is a struggle for me. So I was actually excited to see it laid out and covering things the way it does. It's different than what my focus has been which is kind of staying ahead of my kids study so I can answer things well for them. I think this is going to be good!