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Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:00 am
by John'smom
Just wondering if anyone could share a photo of their child's map that you start the first week of Bigger where it says to do things carefully as you'll add to it throughout the coming months? I'd just like to get an idea of what would be acceptable. I'm admittedly a perfectionist and would probably worry about whether it was done careful enough. I thought seeing other dc's work would help me realize what was more realistic for a child. KWIM?

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:07 pm
by ourhomeschoolreviews
My daughter has done the map and I'll take a pic and post about it tomorrow in my weekly wrap up on my blog (and then post it here too). It is not "perfect" by any means and a bit cone shaped at the top, lol, but it serves its purpose. :wink:

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:14 pm
by John'smom
I've seen your dd's work on your blog and everything is so nice and neat. Hopefully it isn't too much added work on you. I appreciate your help. :D

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:32 pm
by LAB
After 45 minutes my kids were so frustrated trying to be perfect that I Google "Atlantic Ocean" and printed out a blank map. Then the girls labled it and drew the path and key at the bottom. My girls tend to be perfectionists with drawing. I felt they were missing the point, so I "cheated" a bit to keep our day going without burnout.

I would have loved a handdrawn map for their books, but couldn't do school into the night.

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:30 pm
by ourhomeschoolreviews
Here is my post with a picture of our map. It is far from perfect (and kinda cone shaped) and the dates are out of order on the right (I missed reading about the last one so we added it late) but you get the idea. ... ade-7.html

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:23 am
by John'smom
Thanks for posting that. It was a HUGE help. To me, when I read the directions, it seemed like it was going to be way more cluttered than it really is. I think your dd is a wonderful little artist. She draws real well for her age. :D

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:04 pm
by ourhomeschoolreviews
Glad it helped. :). I'm sure yours will turn out great!

Re: Anyone have a photo of Bigger map?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:51 pm
by gotpeace91
Edwena, I had to giggle a little when I saw your post. This was one of the projects where I definitely let my perfectionist tendencies take over. :oops: I spent a long time on the internet finding just the right map to trace and then traced it myself. I like Christine's way better. Her daughter probably learned more and it's just so cute. Here's a couple pics.

