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Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:18 am
by SMiles
Hi Ladies,
I need input on the writing portions for RTR. We are going to be finishing up CTC and I didn't start ds on WWB until recently. I already had another curriculum that I was planning on using. Now that HOD has decided to write guides through high school, I would really like to stay on the skills outlined in the guides. So as we look at starting RTR this fall, I am wondering what I should do. We will have a window of time before my RTR makes it overseas to us so the plan is to continue using WWB until we begin. But I am throwing the quandary out to the ladies here to ask for advice.

Thanks in advance for your input!


Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:08 pm
by SMiles
Just bumping this up so anyone who has input can give it! I found someone to bring my books over so I will be ordering next week! :D

Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:13 pm
by mamas4loves

My first impulse to answering is to continue to us WWB until RTR arrives and then start IEW when you begin RTR. Over the two choices, I liked WWB when we did that and will use it with each of my kids as they go through CTC and I loved IEW in RTR. My oldest dd learned a lot and I have seen growth in her 'free' writing as well. (she wants to be an author).

I hope this answers your question, if not, let me know!


Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:13 pm
by holdinon
We have only been a couple of days into RtR, but we completed CtC. I agree with Jess on just doing WWtB until you start RtR and then just follow the plans with RtR. In looking at the IEW, it seems like an "average" 13 yo could certainly do it without having completed all of WWtB. (I hope I'm understanding your question right).

Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:50 pm
by SMiles
Thanks for your replies, Ladies! I appreciate the input and advice. Since both of you have gone through the WWTB, maybe you can tell me how you did the Day 1 of each of the units. I find that the labeling of the adjectives, adverbs, etc. can get a bit tedious and sometimes confusing. We have done R & S English from grade 2 and I would think we could pick these things out better. Sometimes it seems like I am going, "Hmmm, well, they say it is an adjective, but yeah......" and I am not really seeing it. I could go get my book and give a specific example, but maybe someone knows what I am talking about????? :roll:

Thanks for any input on that issue! I have to admit that the writing portions are something that adds to the draw to HOD for me because my writing education bites from my school years. :(


Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:19 pm
by LynnH
What has been suggested in the past and what we did was set a certain amount of time for them to find the nouns, adverbs, adj. etc and when the time was up they were done. They don't have to find all of them. I think Carrie even says that somewhere in the guide. If we didn't set a time then I would pick a certain number and say ok you need to find 10 of the verbs, 10 of the adjectives etc. This way I knew he could pick them out, but the task didn't become so tedious that he was frustrated. As far as confusing, usually I could see why they said it was a certain part of speech if I talked it out. My problem was ds would find one and it wouldn't be listed so I would just assume it wasn't considered descriptive enough, although it would seem descriptive to me.

Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:14 am
by holdinon
I ditto what LynnH said.

Re: Questions about Write with the Best (CTC) and IEW (RTR).

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:17 am
by holdinon
I think there was another thread about the same thing, but here's one I found (it basically says the same thing LynnH did)

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7177&p=52242&hilit= ... ing#p52242
