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Which Bible reader for Beyond's emerging reader schedule?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:04 am
by pjdobro
I was wondering which Bible reader to get for my soon to be 6 year old dd and ds, the Early Reader's Bible or the The Beginner's Bible? My dd is ready for either as far as reading capability. My son might not be quite ready for The Beginner's Bible yet, but I am going to delay starting him in the emerging reader schedule for at least a few months. So by that time he probably could handle The Beginner's Bible. I do have a couple of children's Bibles already, The Read with me Bible, and A Child's First Bible but I don't know if either of these would be at the right level for the children to read themselves. Which reader do most of you use and prefer?

Thanks for your input :D

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:00 am
by annaz
We have both. We started with the Beginner's Bible and she started to dread it. It's not that it's harder than the Early Reader's Bible, it's that there is printing on both pages. Early Reader's Bible has printing on one and a picture on another, so the amount of reading is shorter than the Beginner's Bible.

So, we switched to the Early Reader's Bible and my dd always wants to read more in one sitting.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:14 am
by pjdobro
Thank you for your input. I can see how more printing per page spread would be more intimidating especially for my ds. It looks like the print in the Early Reader is spread apart more too so it looks like less writing per page to me. That would probably be more encouraging to my young readers. Thank you for helping me choose!


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:17 am
by annaz
It was definitely an intimidation thing. Neither is better than the other. I do like however, that the Early Reader's Bible has the questions at the end in the book as opposed to going back to the TM for the questions. That's pretty handy.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:51 pm
by Carrie

Annaz was wonderful about pointing out some differences in the two Bibles. I also wanted to mention that the Early Reader's Bible is around a 2.0 reading level and the Beginner's Bible is more of a 2.4-2.5 reading level.

The Early Reader's Bible also limits the words it uses to tell the stories to the frequently used word lists. Any words that are not on the frequently used word lists are placed in the top right hand corner of the story, so you can go over them with the child prior to having them read the story. The stories are actually phonetically controlled in how they are written.

The Beginner's Bible is a higher reading level because it is not phonetically controlled. :wink:
