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Message from above?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:03 am
by alydar
So as some may know I've had some frustration regarding our schooling. Hopefully, we are past that and I'm ready to drive on full-steam ahead starting Monday morning.

So this morning we all went to our 9:00 church service. This one is usually small compared to the 11:00 service so my kids are the only ones that do children's church up front. We have a new minister that started last week but we didn't go last week so this was our first "meeting". So they get up there and the minister asks them right off, "What holds our lives together?" Immediately, DD5 spits out "GOD!" :mrgreen:

Well, the minister didn't seem to know what to say after that. :lol: Then he got his thoughts together and started saying things like zipppers, thread, etc. hold our lives together, nails hold a house together, etc. but our faith in Jesus is what truly holds us together. The funny thing is is that DD totally blew his whole sermon out of the water before he could even start it! :lol: Needless (and shamefully) to say, I was puffed up bigger than a bullfrog. :oops: :D And my mother gave me a big elbow in the ribs! I am so very proud of my kids and their comprehension of spiritual matters.

If I had any lingering questions about what direction to take our homeschooling I think the good Lord has put the cherry on the sundae this morning. :D :D :D

Thank you HOD. Thank you Carrie and Julie for your enduring support and to all the ladies here. Thank you for helping us keep Christ in the center of all we do. It is showing so beautifully in my children and I couldn't be happier! :D :D :D

Re: Message from above?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:07 am
by Dustybug

2 thumbs up to that!

Re: Message from above?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:23 pm
by Anna
This is exactly why we are back with HOD after a year away!

Re: Message from above?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:31 pm
by pjdobro
How awesome! It's so nice to hear a testimony like that. The spiritual impact that our HOD curriculum has on our dc continually amazes me. It's funny, I haven't really been missing school so much over the summer (because I've been really busy with other things), but I have been missing that time to spiritually connect with my dc. I see so much more growth in character and godliness when we are doing school. I miss that. Thanks for sharing. It really does my heart good to hear you encouraged and ready to continue your HOD journey. :D

Re: Message from above?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:16 pm
by netpea
I'd have been proud too. How wonderful!

Re: Message from above?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:25 pm
by Carrie
Thanks so much for sharing! Often there's more going on in those little heads than we think! :D The Lord is so good at encouraging me too just when I need it most. :D
