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Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:48 am
by lisaha1
While using HOD, has your children's faith growen and strengthened? Are they learning things they can use in years to come to defend thier faith to non believers? What fruit have you seen over the years?

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:50 pm
by holdinon
This is a great question, and I can't wait to see the responses of others. As for us....

I have definitely seen growth in all of my children. I think God uses a variety of catalysts (both internal and external) to "grow us". However, much of the growth I have seen in my kids, I think is directly related to HOD.

There are several things I have noticed with the variety of ages and maturity levels. My oldest three started HOD in Beyond and Preparing. We had read many Bible stories, and of course they got lots of "Sunday School class stories" at church. However, the way my younger kids (that started with Little Hearts and Little Hands), have such a deeper grasp of the stories and how they relate to them than my older kids did at their ages. They understand that the story of Jonah isn't just a story of a man getting swallowed by a big fish, and David is not just a guy that had a really cool sling shot and killed this huge, big, bad giant. They truly understand that God is a loving God that really cares about them and has called them to obedience to Him and that the choices they make really do matter. My older kids knew Bible stories backward and forward, but I never really saw them making personal connections like I do with my younger ones.

One way my older three have really grown is in the area of discernment. The way HOD ties everything back to God's Word is an incredible tool. The kids have learned to run everything they read, watch, or hear through a Biblical "filter". With the kids leading, we have stopped watching some television shows that we had previously not had any sort of conviction on. We have never watched a whole lot of television, and what we watched was always "family friendly". But one show, in particular was America's funniest home videos. We had watched that show as a family night thing nearly every week. Honestly, I had never even thought about how many times the phrase, "oh my God" was used by the people in the videos. I was too busy laughing at the clip :oops: . It was the kids that began to notice and brought it to our attention that maybe this wasn't the best show to watch. (Please don't be offended if you watch this show----I mean no offense I totally get that different families have different "comfort" levels---I just use this as an example that my kids have picked up on).

In addition to noticing things that they may NOT need to be watching, reading, hearing, etc, they have also begun to notice positive things as well. They will notice when a character/person (rather in real life or a book or movie) is exhibiting character traits of honesty, perseverance, respectfulness, etc, and point it out, often citing key scripture references regarding the specific trait. They make the connection of blessings (or consequences) that result from exhibiting (or not) Godly character traits.

My oldest was pretty well grounded in her faith (for a 10 year old) when we began HOD. However, her Biblical knowledge has grown tremendously over the last couple of years. She really soaked in the prophesy and fulfillment study, and the Genesis study in CtC this past year. I have seen her grow from a kid who fully accepted Mom and Dad's beliefs from early on, come to a place of still believing the basic truths, but questioning for herself some specifics about why we do what, to becoming a young lady who has truly made her faith her own. It is no longer mine and her father's, but really and truly her own. That alone may just be the biggest blessing God has allowed me to see.

I knew from the beginning that the Lord has led me to HOD. He confirms it over and over again. The longer we have been with HOD, the more I realize what an awesome ministry it is.

I cannot wait to hear some other testimonies!

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:02 pm
by Mercy
Yes, yes, yes!! This is the most important thing for me and the number one thing that I look for in a curriculum. I can strongly say that my childrens lives have been affected for eternity through this curriculum. I am so very thankful for the ability to say that!! :D

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:26 pm
by sharonb
Mine love watching AFV, but I have recently started getting annoyed with the language as well. Plus there's videos with children saying things that I don't think are appropriate, and everyone is laughing. We haven't been home in time from church the last several Sunday nights to watch it, and they haven't even mentioned it. I think it's a good time to stop for good. We stopped watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition for the same reason.

Thanks so much for the testimony. It was a real encouragement. I am looking forward to seeing growth in my children this year as well.

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:41 pm
by MelInKansas
My children are really babies in faith, if they are even IN faith but I echo what the other posters shared. My 6 YO is the only one really "doing" school at this point, and now she's been through LHTH and LHFHG (with the 4 YO tagging along). I have seen understanding and heart change in her (along with her making a profession of faith, Praise the Lord!) that has been greatly affected by our Bible times, the devotional reading, and other things we have learned from the HOD materials. Also we do a worship time and prayer time that is part of what we do as a family. But one thing that I know I probably would not have come up with on my own, is how cohesive everything is, and how all of the different things you do connect back to the Bible story, or some other concept from the day's lessons. Giving my children so many different ways to interact with the concept, and things they can easily relate to, is what I think has made the difference between head knowledge and something they have in their heart.

The thing I am most convicted by is that of course they can have all the knowledge in the world, and Bible learning, but if I myself don't live the life of following Jesus faithfully before them how will they know how to do it? And not that I should walk with Him for their sake, but it does convict me.

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:32 pm
by mamas4bugs
Absolutely!! I'm really tired tonight, so I'll give the short answer, but this is a great question, and I love reading the responses.

Because of the instruction in quiet time, my boy gets up and spends time with God each morning--on his own. :) Because of the way HOD integrates God and His word into every subject, my boys can make connections in ways their older sister (schooled with traditional textooks) cannot. They can see consequences of sin because they can make those connections and so can make better choices. Someone mentioned discernment, and it's so true. They just naturally run everything through that filter--and it floors me (in a good way). And they really have an understanding of how God's hand has been in history from the beginning--He's in charge, and how science itself wouldn't even exist without the Creator.

The best part is that because HOD makes God a natural part of every box, my boys (especially the oldest) are doing the same thing. It is natural to them for God to just be in every aspect of their lives. They don't compartmentalize their faith. I love it!

And because HOD is fun while still integrating God, they experience the joy of the Lord.

I'm certain that as we cover worldviews through HOD as the boys age, it will only serve to increase their ability to explain their faith and be witnesses.

My first priority in my role as mother is to raise children for the Lord. I can raise the most well-rounded, socially adaptable, academically educated children on the planet, but if I raise faithless children, I have failed. HOD helps me keep them grounded, immersed, in God-honoring education. It doesn't get any better than that. :)

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:01 pm
by Carrie
Great question! It's such a busy time of year that I know many ladies are off board right now, so I'll link a few past posts that may encourage you as this question is near and dear to my heart too! :D

Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9691
Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8706
Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7731
Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2757
Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8949
Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8522

There are many more past threads on the board, but these few will give you a bit more insight. :D


Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:58 pm
by lisaha1
Thank you! I just think that Faith in the Jesus and growth in personal relationships with Him is the most important thing in schooling. Yes, I want my children to past the CAT's (testing is required in MN), but if I fail to teach them about Jesus and show them the truth of His love, grace and mercy, then I fail as a mother, teacher and child of Christ. I know it is up to them to accept Christ, but I want to show them all of His amazing glory and creation. WE did the first day in LHFHG with all of my children-even the 8 and 10 year old just to see what it was like and I sure loved what we read and so did the children. I can see them wanting to sit in with all of James' work even when we do get them thier own program! James can't do some of the gross motor things bc of his form of muscular dystrophy, but he just did what he could and changed the rest to meet what he could do. I loved watching all 5 of my oldest hopping, crawling ex... across the continents! LOL! Too cute! Even my 2 year old! LOL!
I'm such a bad decision maker! I'm going to have a discussion again with my husband over the 8 and 6 year old's school tonight! He is so much better at laying it all out and making a firm decision! He is such a blessing for me, we are so opposite that he complements my weaknesses, although we are both bad spellers! LOL! Our poor, poor children! LOL!
Abby 10
Joshua 8
James ALMOST 6!
Toby 4
Levi 2
Emma Grace 7 months-and just pull-up to stand last night! Too scarey! ;)

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:12 pm
by my3sons
lisaha1 wrote:While using HOD, has your children's faith growen and strengthened? Are they learning things they can use in years to come to defend thier faith to non believers? What fruit have you seen over the years?
This is such an excellent question, and our desire for our dc to have a deep faith in the Lord and to be able to carry that faith into adulthood, is a very important priority for our family. It is one of the main reasons we have chosen HOD for our homeschooling curriculum. HOD has helped grow and strengthen my dc's faith in so many ways. :D I probably cannot name them all, but I'll try to touch on some of the main ways.

Our dc see the Lord is sovereign in every single part of life. He is the writer of history, and at all times He has 100% control over what is happening. He has a plan, and it is not only a good one, it is the right one, and the best one, always. Our dc see every happening - past, present, and future - as being under the Lord Almighty's careful control. They do not view Biblical history as separate from other history. All history is "His Story". He is not taken surprise by anything, and when bad and good things happen, our dc are learning to find peace in knowing, He is in control. :D

Our dc view the Lord as the undisputed Creator of everything, and see all of creation as reflecting His awesome power, wisdom, and creativity. They see the Lord's handiwork in every part of nature, as the supreme "scientist" who made it all. They have learned to gaze upon any part of creation - the stars, a bird flying, the inner working of the human body, thunder booming and lightning flashing, ocean waves crashing - and be amazed at our Lord. I have often seen their eyes "drink in" what they see in nature, and immediately give God His due credit and glory for making it. They look for His work in nature. I love this as it fills the soul with wonder, and helps us all see, if the Lord could create all of this in only 6 days, how can we wonder if He can take care of us, or the ones we love, or the world? :D

Our dc know Jesus is our one and only Savior, and He is Who we want to be most like. They have studied Godly character traits year after year after year within HOD, and they know what Jesus is like. They want to be like Him. They can recognize Him in others. They look for Him in their lives. Because of HOD's way of having us as moms discuss these traits with our dc - our good times and bad times - our strengths and our weaknesses - our dc are able to share their good times and bad times, their strengths and weaknesses, with trying to emulate Jesus by trying to have these Godly character traits within our daily lives. One of my favorite things HOD has helped my dc and I with is that we are able to share our faith with one another. It is a natural part of our lives. It is the way we talk, how we think, what we do, and how we live. It is not a separate part of "school", but something they inherently know to be the way we are trying to live. We all know we're not perfect as well, so striving to have some grace for each other, as our Jesus has been the ultimate example of giving grace, is a little easier to do. :D

HOD has taught my dc to use their Bibles every day. They bring them to school always, as not a day goes by that they don't need them. HOD has also taught them to have a Bible Quiet Time at the start of each day. It has taught them to praise the Lord through Scripture memorization, through singing praises to Him, through writing His words down on paper, and through praying. They have learned to follow Jesus' example of praying through the Lord's prayer, by following the ACTS model. This has made our prayer time as a family so much more meaningful! Instead of a long list of what we want the Lord to do for us, we start with Adoring Him, Confessing sins to Him, Thanking Him, and finally Supplication where we ask things of Him. Before HOD, our dc's prayers - and ours as parents I confess :oops: - were largely in the "Supplication" department.

HOD has helped me talk to my dc about sharing the gospel with others, whether that is right where we live, or around the world. Every single guide in HOD shares the story of redemption. Every guide has a way for dc to share it with others, whether it is through discussions, a reading, or an activity, my dc are practicing sharing the gospel every year in real ways they can handle doing. :D HOD has also helped our dc view every person as a sinner in need of the Lord, and this helps compassion happen instead of judgment. HOD has been a way for me to teach my boys to become Godly men, and to talk about remaining pure for their future wife. It has helped me teach them so many things that they needed to learn that I would not have thought to teach. :)

HOD is helping my dc to have a Christian worldview. It is helping them be able to explain why they believe what they do, and why other messages that are more worldly are incorrect. HOD has taught my dc to look to Scripture for help in determining what is right and what is wrong. They see the Bible has completely correct, without any errors, and the best place to go for advice. :D

Little things, like "Mom I prayed for Dad today, that he'd get home safely, so don't worry about him, okay?". Or, "When I read my Bible this morning, I read about Esther, and did you know that she...?" Or today in church, "Mom, we know this hymn by heart!" as they sing "Holy, Holy, Holy!". Or, "I'll lead the prayer, Mom, since Dad is gone." Or, "Let's put this Christian song on the iPod, I really love this one!" Or when arguing with a sibling, breaking into "Encourage one another, and build each other up!..." singing. Or knowing how to take notes in church even, and sharing those as we drive home. So, so, many ways that HOD is making a difference in my dc's lives. I cannot say thanks enough. I cannot express what it means to me. It's my dc's daily walk with the Lord that is being cultivated by using HOD, and it's their eternal lives being impacted. It is amazing! And it makes me feel that being a homeschool mom is a way to bring God some glory. For living my life for Him with purpose. Thank you HOD! You've made such a difference in our lives!

In Christ,

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:18 am
by flydena
As someone who has not yet begun using HOD for all my dear children, and will be using it for all 3 beginning mid-August, I am greatly encouraged by this thread. I have felt led to HOD for many reasons, but the more I read posts like this, the more excited I get. Thanks for the wonderful question and the awesome responses! :D

I hope and pray that these same things will happen in our family! A Biblical worldview has become a passion of mine for about the last year and a half, and to know that HOD seems to be abundant in helping our children to gain this kind of perspective is, in my opinion, the BEST part! Building the kind of connections that bring about character, discernment, and application rather than just a head knowledge is what I want for my children. They KNOW alot, but I want them to really "get it" and connect with the Scriptures and with the Lord Jesus in a relationship that will continue to grow every year!

Thanks again for asking, and for the responses. Looking forward to reading even more as others respond. :D

Re: Has your children's faith growen and strengthened?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:56 pm
by BrooklynsMom03
I see such amazing growth in my has shocked me on some levels how much she has grown this year...even in little things like...tonight we were out for dinner and I was asking Brooklyn to tell her dad and brother some of the things we have been learning in school...(homeschooling thru the summer to get caught up! We wont do this again!! lol) anyway...she was siting there and right in the middle of the conversation...she says...I dont know why everyone doesnt home school...when I was at the other school...I was never learning anything and now I have the best teacher! .....She has just blossomed this year...She came to me earlier this week...and told me...she had made a very big decision for herself...I said oh what is that...and she said She was ready to be baptised this week! We have not even talked about this in any deep depth....She is getting so much of this from HOD.....and doing the lessons...I love the way all the lessons come back to Christ....We are painting our house...and it is 2 levels....and taking up alot of time!!! Saturday night ...Brooklyn says...are we going to church tomorrow...and my husband said...I need to paint...she got a very stern look on her face and said...But it is the Sabbath....and she looks at me and says...remember mom we learned that when we were home schooling...God says the Sabbath is a day of rest...Stuff like this just pops out all the time! She is internalizing things on such a deeper layered level now...

One thing some might not understand but she was born in Guatemala...and this has been huge to her since she was 12 months old...There hasnt been a day that I can remember (and she came home at 9.5 months) that she didnt know she looked different than us...she has struggled a bit with times a lot with it...but now she is just embracing it...She told me the other day...that this is the way God made her and she is proud of who she is in Christ...I was blown away....she told someone when they commented how dark she is...(summertime...she gets really dark no matter how much sunscreen we use!) She was like yes I have Guatemalan skin and its suppose to get dark like this...that is the way God made me..and she smiled and off she went! So many little things...she have snow balled into big things in her faith....I could go on and on!!! Beth in Idaho