Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

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Bonnie A
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Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

Post by Bonnie A » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:26 pm

I am getting ready to put our first order in with HOD but still have doubt over which math program to use with Bigger. My 9 year old daughter (3rd) and 7 year old son (2nd) have been using CLE math this year and have done well learning and progressing along. It is a very easy to use, solid program but somewhat repetitive and for my older daughter, a little tedious. I like it though, as I feel they are getting the fundamentals and more (lots of interesting info, stories and facts). My dilema is, do I want to switch to Singapore to make this year easier for us (we are new to HOD), which will be totally new and different, but maybe more age appropriate with their visual representations and part of the curriculum or stick with what we have been doing? Also, is Bigger compatible with other math curriculums?

Any insight would be so appreciated! I am eager to put in our first order for 3 guides and all the wonderful material they contain!

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Re: Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

Post by mamas4bugs » Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:16 am

We use a different math program. I just check the math box when he has done his math, even though it's a different program. :)
Living the adventure, blessed to be schooling 3:
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Re: Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

Post by LynnH » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:17 am

I didn't use Bigger but have used Preparing and CTC with CLE math and it works fine. The only thing to consider is that math may take a little longer than what Carrie has said because CLE does tend to take longer. I don't make him do all the problems though so it doesn't add that much to our day, only maybe 15 minutes.
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Re: Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

Post by sharonb » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:19 am

We are using CLE for math too. If it's working for you, I wouldn't switch. Just sub in what you are doing for whatever is in the math box. (IIRC, once you get to Bigger, there aren't math activities anyway, just a schedule for completing Singapore). I've tried Singapore in the past, and I like it, but my dd was forgetting her math facts. CLE is a great combo of all the things I liked about the other math programs we tried. Once I found it I was finally happy with doing just ONE math program, instead of having to supplement with extra drill, etc. We do add in some of Singapore's Challenging Word Problems sometimes just for fun on whiteboards, but that's not necessary.

Bonnie A
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:17 am

Re: Will Bigger work well with another Math program?

Post by Bonnie A » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:52 am

Thank you for the helpful feedback! I will continue on with CLE Math and cut down the work where it seems to be too much. That settles my dilema; I am ready to put in my order for the upcoming school year! I can't wait.


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