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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:01 pm
by dkenagy
I ordered our new HOD curriculum on Tuesday morning and received an email that evening saying that HOD had requested a tracking ID from UPS. Of course, when I clicked it, there was nothing to track just yet. I forgot about that email till just now. When I clicked the tracking number, UPS promised me that my package will be here before "end of day"... TOMORROW! I'm so excited! This will be our 5th year of homeschooling, but our first year with HOD. After trudging through several "good" curricula and trying to alter our family to fit them, God led me to HOD this year and I can't wait to rip into that box tomorrow! Yay!

Re: Tomorrow!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:16 pm
by netpea
Have a happy Box Day! :D

Re: Tomorrow!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:22 pm
by mamas4bugs
I love box days!!! :) So....what'd ya get? :P

Re: Tomorrow!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:30 am
by LAB
We just got our first box this week and I'm still playing with the kids books! Have fun stalking the UPS delivery truck!

Re: Tomorrow!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:10 pm
by dkenagy
Yay! It came today! I was surprised at how tiny the box was and how well-packed! I wish there had been some sort of protective material in there, too, though, because several corners of the books are bent from the box being jostled around.
Anyway, we got Beyond for my 7 & 8 yo DDs. Although my older DD will be in 3rd grade this year, she is about a grade level behind due to a vision problem. She was finally able to have corrective surgeries in May and I am hoping that this will be the year she really takes off. She's a very bright girl, but being legally blind has caused some "delays". Two surgeries and a pair of bifocals later, she's picking up reading and hw so quickly. I guess all that is to explain that while I technically have a 2nd grader and a 3rd grader, it'll be more like 2nd grade for them both.
So I got Beyond with the emerging readers set and also the Reading Lesson, which I will use with all 3 of my daughters (8, 7, & 5) and the girl-interest read alouds. My 5 yo daughter will be using SL this year as I have had success with and really liked their p4/5 program. My 3 yo son will be listening in with her and probably starting R&S workbooks closer to his 4th bday. My 1 yo will continue to empty cabinets and bang stuff together. :D
I'm so excited to jump in and get started. We are planning to begin our 2011-2012 SY in mid-July. I'm taking my BLHFHG guide to the office store tomorrow to have it spiral bound and then I'll really sink my teeth into it!

Re: Tomorrow!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:24 am
by sharonb
Enjoy using Beyond! We are starting Monday, even though it's a holiday, because we don't have any special plans. I'm really excited to get started, and today I'm finishing up all of my organize-the-school-stuff projects. :D