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Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:56 pm
by mindywp
I have seen other posts on this board inquiring how HOD students score on standardized tests...well, we just received dd's scores in the mail yesterday & I have to say I am more than happy! :D DD was so happy, she wanted to frame them! :) (dd has done CTC for 6th grade & RTR for 7th grade)
In addition to high test scores, she is so knowledgeable about the Bible...not only in content, but how it is applied in our lives. She attended a Christian private school before homeschooling, so she knew quite a bit already, but her knowledge has deepened and matured so much since using HOD. She often refers to either the CTC or RTR guides when discussing a Biblical topic.
It's funny, I started out praising HOD because of the high test scores, then ended up talking about the spiritual growth my dd has experienced...I guess when all is said & done, that is really the most important thing we can instill in our children. :)
Thank you Carrie for prayerfully putting together such a wonderful Godly curriculum!

In Christ,

Re: Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:18 pm
by tnahid
How wonderful! So happy for your daughter to score so well! I know you must be pleased! Bless you and thank you for sharing! Very encouraging to hear! :P :P

Re: Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:15 pm
by Carrie

You are so right that the spiritual focus is most important and the great test scores are a second celebration! So, I am celebrating both with you this evening and giving all praise to the Lord! :D

Thanks for sharing! Your post blessed me tonight! :D


Re: Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:02 pm
by raceNzanesmom
Wonderful! :D

Re: Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:30 am
by holdinon
Congrats on the scores!
mindywp wrote:
It's funny, I started out praising HOD because of the high test scores, then ended up talking about the spiritual growth my dd has experienced...I guess when all is said & done, that is really the most important thing we can instill in our children. :)
Thank you Carrie for prayerfully putting together such a wonderful Godly curriculum!
I totally understand this statement. My older kids tested for the first time ever this year. Our state does not require it, but they wanted to--just to see what it was like. When we got to the testing site (it was a small group of homeschoolers from our area), the other moms were very nervous--asking the proctor all kinds of questions and making sure there kiddos would know what to do, etc, etc. The whole time, I'm just filling out their registration page and thinking, "Thank you, Jesus, that you have their hearts...and nothing that this test "tells" me, is going to make any difference in who they are IN YOU!"

I believe Carrie and the entire HOD family will receive Great rewards in heaven one day for their part in leading all these little ones (and their mommas and daddies) in the ways of the Lord.

Oh, and we haven't received their scores yet. So if I should lose sight and come back here and talk about them not doing well, someone please quote me to myself :D

Re: Standardized test scores-HOD praise

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:19 pm
by water2wine
That is so great! It's wonderful to have the tangible reward of the scores and know you have not compromised the eternal reward in the process. :D Time to make a frame for those scores and thank God for the true heart knowledge she has gotten bringing her closer to Him! :D Congratulations!