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HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:47 am
by 8arrows
Memorial Day I broke 3 bones in my leg trying to land a flip on the trampoline to impress my 16 year old. Do you have a character curriculum for that!! I am now looking at 8 weeks of no weight on it and 6 months of recovery. Can I just say that one of the bright spots is that I already have my HOD ordered and even have it sorted and ready to go for fall. The fact that it is all planned for me is very comforting for me right now. I was supposed to be at ICHE this weekend; but hey, I already know what I am going to use anyway, right?!!! I may be posting more for answers from you guys in the fall than I normally would if I need some extra help getting school off the ground. I know you guys are up for the challenge. I am glad that my curriculum can be an encouragement to me right now instead of a fear. Thanks. Carrie and Julie.

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:36 am
by moedertje
I am so thankful for your positive outlook on your current situation :D I agree that HOD can continue during various situations of illness. My prayer is for the grace of God to be with you and the children during your recovery time. Keep us posted and do exactly as the orthopedic surgeon says and if you end up getting Physical Therapy :D :D That was my profession before homeschooling and with HOD I am loving, and learning to love more and more to be a teacher to my kiddos. :D :D
Success :D

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:49 am
by pjdobro
OUCH!!! I think there might be a character lesson woven in there somewhere. :wink: :lol: I must say though that I am really impressed that you can do a flip on the trampoline even if landing it broke your leg. :cry: I truly am sorry for your injury and I'll be praying for a speedy recovery. It's wonderful that you already have your year planned out and ready to go. That open and go nature of HOD has saved me time and time again. :D

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 am
by BrooklynsMom03
Ouch!! I shattered both sides of my tibia and was none weight bearing for 3 I feel your pain in more ways than one!! Still too nervous to get the knee replacement that is now required ..hopefully none of the breaks involved the tibia for you! So glad you have teenagers to help you out and HOD!!! The less stress you have the better!! That is one of the things I love about HOD...the open and go format....Best of Luck on your recovery...praying for quick healing for you.....Beth in Idaho

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:29 am
by MomtoJGJE
I"m sorry... I was laughing the whole time because that is TOTALLY something I would do...

HOD does make it completely possible to continue to HS even with major issues on the mother's part!! ;)

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:10 pm
by 3sweeties
Just wanted to say I am SO sorry that happened!!! :( I have never broken any bones and that happening now is one of my fears, to be honest! :o Praying you will have a full recovery and YAY that you already having your school stuff ready for the fall!!! :)

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:08 pm
by Heidi in AK
Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself, 8arrows! I would totally do that, and it is by the grace of God that I have not broken anything either! I'll be praying for full, speedy recovery and that you continue to savor whatever lessons are in this for this time! So thankful for HOD, which you can easily implement because it's all cohesively done for you! HUGS!

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:03 pm
by 8arrows
Thank you somuch for you encouraging words. I knew you "guys' would get it. I almost feel like you are joining me in the adventure. Yes, I did break off the end of the tibia. I go home tonight.

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:07 pm
by my3sons
8arrows - I am so sorry to hear this! :( But through the pain - you've managed to choose the right attitude about it - NOT an easy task. :D I'm glad you are feeling some stress relieved by having HOD to do. :D I remember feeling that peace with HOD when I was on bedrest for 6 months. I couldn't have managed without it. I have to tell you I really do understand this happening. :D I did something pretty similar a few years back. I was trying to show my dc how HIGH I could jump on a large trampoline, and then I did a few cheerleading jumps (painful and not pretty), and then I had the bright idea to do the bounce on your bottom thing and pop back up. NOT a good plan. My back and neck whip-lashed, and the pop back up never worked quite right. I felt that pain for quite awhile, very painful, but not nearly the same as a break. I am so sorry this happened, I can totally see how it happened, but I must say that I love your playful, fun side you show your kids! I know that's special to them, and I know they must love that about you. :D I am praying for healing, but thanks for being an encouragement here - when I see ladies rise to the challenge of choosing to be positive and lean on the Lord in difficult times, I'm inspired. And I try to do better myself! Thanks for this 8arrows! :D

In Christ,

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:48 pm
by Tansy
Oh I'm sooo sorry! But you do have the right attitude. I have done much Homeschooling while huddled in my bed. It can be done!
Tho Now I realize why that home owners insurance asked me if I had a trampoline. I adamantly said NO when Hubby wanted one, mainly b/c I know me I'd do the same thing... Hope your recovery is swift and sure.

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:02 pm
by raceNzanesmom
Praying for perfect and speedy healing!!

And am seriously impressed that you can do a flip. :wink:

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:58 am
by tnahid
Ohhhh, so sorry 8arrows, but your cheerful spirit is truly a fruit of the Spirit in you. May our Father bless you with a quick recovery and with comfort from your children during this time. How awesome that you chose to be active with your children and playful with them. That means so much to children...time spells love. Blessings to you as you recover. Sometimes it can be fun to do school from bed, to snuggle up with everyone.


Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:02 pm
by KTLM6
Praying for you to have a speedy recovery! :D If anything, this was a good reminder to me not to try any flips on a trampoline soon! I can totally see me doing the same thing! :lol:

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:55 pm
by Kathleen

Yikes! I have to tell you that your positive outlook on this situation is refreshing, too. And, I have to tell you that I have found that things that were so easy 12 years ago or so (before kids) seem just a tad bit harder now. :lol: I haven't had any trampoline injuries...but my impressive trick is a little tamer than a flip. :wink: My Grandma was the one that was always hurting herself by joining us for a bikeride when she came to visit. She broke her nose while playing softball with the youth group at her church - when she was in her 70's!! :shock: :roll: And she was always such an example of the joy of the Lord to me in every situation! Loved my spunky Grandma that always served with a smile! :D So....maybe wear a little more padding next time??

Seriously, I would be so glad to have HOD if I found myself in this situation, too. I love it in the good times, but it makes me so happy to know that even if I find myself in a "harder-to-school-in" situation I have the great plans to fall back on. They will keep my days balanced. They will kep my focus on the Lord. My kids learn to be good direction-followers from the guides, and can easily learn how to gather what's needed. Ahhh!! Hope you find school refreshing amid your recovery.

What's that verse about pride comes before a....?
:D Kathleen

Re: HOD for the unexpected

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 pm
by sahervey
I am sorry about your accident, but HA, HA! Trying to impress your kid. That cracks me up! :D I'm sure there's something in HoD for that character flaw!