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History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 am
by Moley
Has anyone purchased the coordinating coloring book and teacher's manual that goes with Little Pilgrims? I read a review where the person strongly suggested purchasing them to go along, but I was wondering if this is even necessary. I haven't actually seen History for Little Pilgrims and the LHFHG teacher's guide, so I wanted to see if you think it's too much or just plain unnecessary. Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:53 am
by krismoose
I owned both the TM and the coloring book before finding HOD, and the TM was not necessary to do LHFHG, and I sold it after starting HOD (well, sent it back into the paperbackswap mix). It would have been too much, I think. The directions in the LHFHG guide include activities to reinforce the topic, as well as listing the key idea for that day's reading, which I really appreciate! I kept the coloring book but my son was not interested in coloring at the time, so we didn't use it then. (We're using it now to make smaller copies of the pictures for a timeline, but that's an extra activity my son wanted to do, not part of LHFHG.) If you have a child who absolutely listens better while coloring/doing something, or who can't get enough to color :wink: I think it would be worth it to have around. Otherwise, I wouldn't make a special purchase - I think the shipping might cost more than the coloring book :roll: :D

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:58 am
by Dustybug
I purchase both the TM and the coloring book as well, but I got them on ebay dirt cheap. I haven't started LHFHG yet (we will start in the fall), but my DD is a "Is there MORE school for me to do?" kind of kid and I thought it might come in handy to have some extra that tied in to our lessons on hand

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 3:53 pm
by Kathleen
We used LHFHG as-is without any extras and had a GREAT year. (Didn't even know there was a coordinating coloring book. :D ) The readings in LHFHG are short and matched to their attention spans, so you won't need something to "keep them busy". The daily plans will have something for you to DO that goes right along with what you read for the day.

:D Kathleen

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm
by twoxcell
The History for Little Pilgrims TM is not necessary at all. I didn't even use it when I did History For Little Pilgrims with my ds before we started HOD. I do own it though. The coloring book might be fun if your child likes to color.

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:08 pm
by jenntracy
Definitely not necessary. i didn't have them for my son, but then when i thought i was going to combine my kids i got them. i thought it would be good for my daughter who was younger and then my son would want one too. They don't like to color pictures so much i found out. we used about 4 pgs in each book. they like to draw more than use coloring books.
we just shelved them and i would gladly give them away to anyone who wants them.

Jenn D.

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 6:59 pm
by pjdobro
I had the coloring books for my dc. One of mine is very a very kinesthetic learner and she actually retains what she hears better if she is moving while listening. So for her coloring the pictures while listening was helpful though she could have been drawing or hopping around the room. :lol: Any of those things would have helped, but I liked having her focusing on something related to what we were doing. :wink: My ds colored a little, but he wasn't as into coloring while listening so he actually did some of them later. They certainly aren't necessary, but my dc enjoyed the coloring. So if your dc likes to color, you might enjoy the coloring books, but they aren't at all necessary. The teacher's manual definitely is not needed as all of the teaching instruction you need is included in LHFHG. :D

Re: History for Little Pilgrims Question

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:26 pm
by mommyof2ladies
We used the coloring book when we did Little Pilgrims. It really helped my daughter. She seems to listen better when her hands are busy so she would color the picture we are studying while I was reading. Definitely not something you have to have, but it worked for us. Have fun! We really enjoyed our year doing LHFHG!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:59 pm
by Moley
Hi All,

I just wanted to thank you for sending me your thoughts and experiences with Little Pilgrims. I think I'll skip the TM and may consider purchasing the coloring book. He sometimes likes to color and it may help keep him in his seat better...LOL! Many thanks to all of you!
