Question about HOD & type of crafts

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Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by kellys4boys » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 pm

Hi. I'm very happy to have found this forum. I just started researching HOD's website and reviews yesterday. I had heard of Heart of Dakota during my first year of homeschooling 6 years ago, but didn't know they made things for older elementary until just a day ago! I've been seriously considering Sonlight for this next year after being a "lurker" for years (and choosing books from their catalog while I cobbled together my own program.) I'm SO TIRED of cobbling. My house is a mess because of cobbling....I'm up late planning...We sometimes don't finish the things I plan or end up having to rush through it....Our year that we just finished today had many good things to look back on and the kids learned oodles and still have their love of learning, but I'm just ready for a program I can buy & use with very little tweeking. We do lots of Charlotte Mason with notebooking and love literature, though the pace of reading for Sonlight seems a bit rough for my 12 yro ds. He's a great reader but not the fastest (about average speed, I'd say.) I've been wondering if a person really has to read that many books as Sonlight schedules for one year. We tend to savor books more and let it sink in, rather than rush through them. Anyway, I thought HOD looked liked a more manageable number of books. And so many glowing reviews!

OK - now on to my main point here. We are not that big on crafts. Period. Having all boys (ages 12, 9, 7, and 5) may have something to do with that. I also abhor creating "junk" that will not have any place in our house following its creation. I think my utter distaste for this type of thing began when my oldest attended public school Kindergarten and brought home way too much of it. Paper cutting and gluing, I'd really like to avoid. Art lessons (painting & drawing) would be a better fit, as well as useful crafts (cooking, making a birdhouse, etc.) Does HOD require too many crafts that might annoy me (and my boys?) If so, are they essential to the program, or can we simply skip those that I know will likely be a waste of time for us? We'd rather read a good book, do a science experiment or demonstration of some sort, or even create a notebook page, than do a time-consuming craft. Now, I do make allowances for my 7-yr old who happens to enjoy crafting more. I try to steer this interest towards painting and drawing, and let him play with scissors, paper, and tape a lot on his own (though if you knew this child, your would NEVER put any type of glitter in his busy little hands!) Oh, I'm also signing him up for a pottery class. Trying to satisfy his artistic bent while also maintaining my sanity.

Hopefully, that (lengthy!) description of our family gives you an idea of what we are looking for - great literature & discussions, CM-oriented with notebooking (dislike lapbooks with lots of cutting/folding), open-and-go schedule that's not too overwhelming, & minimal crafting (especially for the older ones.) Would anyone recommend HOD for us? We would need CTC for my two oldest, since we are really primed to begin studying Bible history and the ancients ( we've done VERY little of the ancients even though my oldest is 12.) Plus, if we study American History for another year, I'll go nuts! Haven't really looked at the packages for the youngers, but that will be next.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by krismoose » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 am

Hi Kelly and welcome!
I hear you about the crafts thing - I am pretty anti-craft myself, partly because I am opposed to clutter, and my dc get *attached* to things they make, so I try to make sure that things we do are either easy to tuck away (ie, flat) or durable and can be played with. That being said, I did not find Little Hearts for His Glory to have an annoying :lol: amount of crafts. I've been reading the Beyond guide in preparation for starting it, and I have the same impression. Once a week (in both guides) there is an art activity tied to the history topic. They are simple enough that the child can actually do them on their own (once the materials are out), which encourages me to actually make sure they get done, because my dc so enjoy doing a project themselves rather than watching me do it! I figure I can handle it once a week (or less, because we school 4 days a week.) That being said, if they drive you bonkers, skip them :wink:. I'd definitely make sure to do the other activities, though, as they really reinforce the history topics nicely. The other 4 days of Little Hearts have science x 2, thinking games & dramatic play activities. Beyond has science x 2, history & geography activities. Someone who's done the older guides will surely chime in about the types of activities included. One year is watercolor painting, but I can't remember which...

Regarding choosing programs, be sure to check out the placement chart here, for each child, paying particular attention to the first skills section. Success with HOD definitely starts with the right placement for each child's skills, rather than picking the time period first. Do share where your dc place individually, so the lovely ladies here can help you find the right combination for your family :D Also, Carrie (the author) has written several posts of FAQ about HOD that are very helpful, IMO. You can find it here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9344, a "sticky" post at the top of the main board.

HTH - looking forward to hearing more about your boys! :D
Loved LHTH & LHFHG :)
DS8 (2nd) WWE1, HOD dictation, Sequential Spelling, SM 2B, VP OT/AE & SOTW1 history, Song School Latin, Getting Started With Spanish
DD6 (K) Saxon Math 1, VP Phonics Museum K
DD3 cutting, gluing, more cutting :D

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Re: Question about placement for my 4 boys

Post by kellys4boys » Sat May 28, 2011 1:22 pm

Thanks so much for your reply. I just did the placement chart for all four of my boys. The youngest (Kinder. next year) definitely placed at Little Hearts. My 7 yro (2nd gr in fall) placed at Beyond. My 9 yro (4th gr. )placed at Preparing Hearts. The oldest (12 & in 7th next year) placed at Revival to Revolution (IF the written narration is done at the computer and NOT hand-written.) He is a good writer and uses great spelling and grammar, & is able to hand-write several paragraphs. But if it's more than say, 3 of them, he like to write it at the computer or finish it the next day : ) If writing at the computer, he can go on and on (like me!) The thing is, he has not had any formal instruction to speak of in Bible history or the ancients (though he has picked up some from reading on his own.) I just will not skip this another year. Since CTC has a 7th grade extension pack, I can see us doing CTC this coming year. We would love the Bible history and when I saw the Robert Frost study with the painting, I got really excited! My boys do enjoy poetry. We read Longfellow this past year & have done some Robert Frost in the past.

As far as all my boys, I cannot afford 4 different packages, nor do I care to manage four different instructor guides. I know I will need a separate Kindergarten program for my 5 yro. I believe in gentle Kindergarten, but need a "program" this year (I don't want to "wing it.") I would like to combine my two youngest (5 & 7) in history and science if possible. In the past, the 9 & 12 yr old have always been together for history and science. We love it this way. Though my 9 yro is weak on writing for his age, they are both excellent above grade-level readers and love history and science. There is another reason I keep them together - my 12 yro has Asberger's (with social issues, but has above-average language skills) and he benefits so much from being able to share a common interest in studying the same topics as the 9 yr old is studying. They read and discuss and play together (my 9 yro is quite mature for his age.) I'd really hate to break this up & have my 12 yro doing a separate program by himself. Also, the 9 yr old is ready to start study of the ancients, as he just finished a 2 yr study of Am. History (along with adding formal geography this year together with the 12 yro and 7 yro.) In fact, I cannot see myself managing completely different history topics for the boys. Choosing different readers, yes. Different L.A. books, yes. Maybe choosing Apologia General Science for the 12 yro, yes (creation science is his passion.) Different read-alouds and history topics for the two oldest, no.

Does anyone have any suggestions for combining, or if HOD will not work for us at all, any suggestions for other programs that might? (looked at My Father's World Creation to the Greeks, but I've heard some reviews say it can get boring?? Plus I'd really like to cover through Roman History this year.) I can see buying 2 HOD programs, with separate L.A. books for each child. I already have their Math books for next year (Teaching Textbooks 3 to finish for my 9 yro, and finishing Teaching Textbooks 7 for the 12 yro; Saxon 2 for the 7yro, and I'll probably buy Early Bird Singapore K for my 5yro. Or maybe Little Hearts includes its own Math???) Thanks so much for reading this long post!


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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 pm

Welcome to HOD! I agree about the crafts....they aren't the annoying kind, and being not so crafty myself, they are ones that actually get done!

About combining your 9 and 12yo...if your 9yo places into Preparing, I would NOT start them both in CTC as your 9yo would drown. I do suggest however, that you place them into Preparing together, with the extensions for your older, as well as proper levels of Rod and Staff english, math, dictation. You may also want to add Igniting Your Writing which is fairly independent for your 7th grader. I can assure you that Preparing will be meaty enough in the history/poetry/Bible, etc. for the oldest. There are several moms using CTC even for 9th or 10th grade, and your son would hit it in 8th. There are also suggestions up at the top of the forum about how to beef up the upper guides for jr/sr high children.

I would combine your 5 and 7yo in Little Hearts, and once you reach Bigger Hearts, the older would have extensions. For now, I'd add in the basics from Beyond's right side. (math, spelling, grammar each week, and if he's ready then the emerging reader schedule from the Beyond appendix).

That's just my two cents :) Hope it won't be the first, nor the last, to do it this way!!
Enjoying HOD since 2008

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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sat May 28, 2011 2:28 pm

I forgot to mention, though there are not extensions for LHFHG for the 7yo, there are MANY extra book suggestions in the appendix listed by unit. You could get as many of those as you like for the older if you liked, and many can be found at the public library, or a church library (most of the first many units will be more likely to be found at a church library.)
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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by my3luvs » Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 pm

Hi! and Welcome!!!! :)

Starting our first year at home with HOD-PHFHG [July], mom to DD [9] and DD [5] LHFHG, DS [1/19/99-11/21/03]

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Re: Question about placement for my 4 boys

Post by kellys4boys » Sat May 28, 2011 5:59 pm

Thanks for your reply. May I ask what specifically about CTC would make my 9 yro "drown?" I thought that CTC is supposed to be for 9-11 year-olds. Couldn't I just add in age-appropriate L. Arts and Math? Or does CTC combine L.Arts with the History? Sorry, I'm just a bit confused.


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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by pjdobro » Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 pm

Welcome Kelly. I agree that the crafts aren't overwhelming or unrelated as crafts in other programs can often be. I like that they actually have a purpose and connect to the reading. With that being said though if you feel like it is not going to be interesting for your sons you can always skip that project. I think you'll find plenty though that are fun and meaningful. We always have fun around here especially with the food projects. This year in Bigger while studying pioneers in science, we made johnny cakes once and made our own butter another time. We love the food related activities and from what I've read here on the board we have lots of fun food related and non-food related projects coming up in the next several years. :D You can take a look at the photo books for the various programs here to see what sort of projects are done during the year:

As far as placement, I agree Preparing might be a better option for your older boys. In CTC the dc are supposed to be reading their history and science themselves and though we haven't gotten there yet, I've read here that the history reading can be challenging. You might take a look at the first week's plans for CTC: to see how the program is laid out and how you feel your younger son with do with it. Here is a link to a sample of the reading in one of the history books: You might check that out also and see how that would be for your 9 year old. HOD does incorporate a lot of skills into the core of the program. So each level up requires more skills in writing, narration, research, etc. I think what Tamara was trying to say is that if his skills in writing, narrating, etc. fit in Preparing then the skills needed for CTC might really stretch him or overwhelm him. The philosophy in HOD for combining is usually to place the younger one in the guide that he fits in best then add in the older one with extensions beefing up the program for him. In your case, CTC might be a bit of a stretch for your younger, but only you will know that for sure. I would take a look at the first week and the history reading and see what you think. Preparing is also a great program which is a nice overview of world history. We're looking forward to starting it here in the fall. I think it will give us a nice view of world history with lots of pegs to hang more info on as we delve further into the history of each of the eras over the following 4 years. :D
Patty in NC

b/g twins '02 Rev2Rev 2014/15
previously enjoyed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR
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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sat May 28, 2011 7:31 pm

You're correct that CTC is geared for ages 9-11, but unlike other curriculums, age isn't the only factor, and bumping up a child within the age range of both PHFHG and CTC that places in PHFHG would be ill-advised. Age is only one factor in placement and we all really want your year to go smoothly, and your children to learn from and enjoy HOD. If your child places in PHFHG, CTC will be too much for him as so many skills are seamlessly intertwined within all the lessons. So yes, there are LA skills taught through history, science, and more- in addition to the grammar and part of the writing that comes from Rod and Staff English. If you put him In CTC and he could not do the readings and assignments labeled as (I) for independent, independently, then you would be needed for him not only this year, but each year thereafter as the skills get harder each year! For him to truly learn the skills and do the guides as written, as well as lighten YOUR load, he should be able to do the independent work on his own in CTC before starting there, which will set you up for smooth sailing from there on! Happy kids and happy mom! PHFHG teaches the skills needed in order for the child to succeed in CTC. I strongly caution against placing him there unless he solidly possesses all the skills in the CTC column of the placement chart, as those are the skills that should already be in place for success in that program.
I'll pray for you as you ponder the options. I know placement decisions are tough! Many of us are running multiple guides and especially as you have olders in upper guides, it seems mom's workload actually decreases. So, if you didn't feel comfortable putting your oldest in PHFHG, he would be doing quite a bit independently in CTC so it would not add much time to your day.
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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sat May 28, 2011 7:37 pm

And forgive menif I sound harsh...i should add some smiley faces or something to better convey my sincere tone. I'm on as a break from a hard day with a migraine!! I love to post and help in's a nice break for me. But obviously my wording needs help when I'm not feeling tip top. I apologize if it came across wrong. I truly do want to see you find the perfect fit and enjoy HOD as much as the rest of us have. It's been an absolute blessing in my home!!!! :D :D
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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by kellys4boys » Mon May 30, 2011 10:30 am


You didn't sound harsh at all. In fact, your response prompted me to take a closer look at PHFHG, and it looks awesome! Because it only mentioned extensions for 5th-6th grades, I assumed it wouldn't work for my oldest and skipped over it. But then upon closer inspection of the program and the board messages (including yours) I realized that it can be beefed up no problem. Some of the books would be too good to miss - like A Child's History of the World and Life in the Great Ice Age (my 12 yro says creation science is his passion and he's always reading about this on his own.)

I'll most likely be posting regarding ideas for beefing things up for the oldest. Science is a main concern, especially since he's going into 7th grade and that's his favorite subject. I remember science really picking up in 7th when I was in public school. I want him to continue to enjoy it, but I think he needs something a little more intense with a broader overview of the different area. I will go ahead and make this a new post sometime real soon!

Thanks everyone for help and suggestions. I can already tell what a blessing this forum is going to be! I hope that I can help others, too, after I get started a ways.


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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by mom24boys » Mon May 30, 2011 11:04 am

I combined my ds5 and ds6.5 (at the start of the year) in LHFHG this year. My oldest (1st grader) did the LA, Math and Reading out of Beyond so he stayed at his level. But we worked together on the LHFHG boxes on the left hand side (plus storytime). This worked wonderfully! :mrgreen: So I agree with the previous poster: 5 and 7 would be great to combine in LHFHG. I would just up the LA, Reading and Math to match your 7 year old's skill level. HTH.
dh of 18 years
ds15: WG
ds13: MTMM
ds11: CTC
ds9: Bigger

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Re: Question about HOD & type of crafts

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Mon May 30, 2011 11:45 am

kellys4boys wrote:Tamara,

You didn't sound harsh at all. In fact, your response prompted me to take a closer look at PHFHG, and it looks awesome! Because it only mentioned extensions for 5th-6th grades, I assumed it wouldn't work for my oldest and skipped over it. But then upon closer inspection of the program and the board messages (including yours) I realized that it can be beefed up no problem. Some of the books would be too good to miss - like A Child's History of the World and Life in the Great Ice Age (my 12 yro says creation science is his passion and he's always reading about this on his own.)

I'll most likely be posting regarding ideas for beefing things up for the oldest. Science is a main concern, especially since he's going into 7th grade and that's his favorite subject. I remember science really picking up in 7th when I was in public school. I want him to continue to enjoy it, but I think he needs something a little more intense with a broader overview of the different area. I will go ahead and make this a new post sometime real soon!

Thanks everyone for help and suggestions. I can already tell what a blessing this forum is going to be! I hope that I can help others, too, after I get started a ways.

Great! I'm so glad it helped :) I think you'll be very happy with it!
Enjoying HOD since 2008

DD15 long-time HODie finding her own new path
DS12 PHFHG {dysgraphia, APD, SID}
DD new nursling

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