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Cheerful Cursive over 2 years?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am
by Tabrett
I am trying to condense Beyond into a 4 day a week program. My daughter will be in second grade doing Beyond left side, with her younger brother, and Bigger right side.

Since cursive is either taught is 2nd or 3rd grade and my daughter will be in 2nd, I was wondering if Cheerful Cursive would still work if spread over 2 years-maybe doing 2-3 lesson a week? She does not have good handwriting and I thought slower might be better.

Or would it be better to complete the program on one year?

Re: Cheerful Cursive over 2 years?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 pm
by Larissa
I really think that this comes down to opinion. Although - I do wonder about the fluidity of the course if done over 2 years instead of 1. It does actually take an entire school year to learn all the lower case and all the capitals.

Since I don't really know how it would go if you spent two years on it - I can tell you what I would do, am doing, and will do with a 2nd grader doing Beyond. I would have your 2nd grader do the copywork that is assigned in Beyond. Once she is doing Bigger in 3rd grade, have her do cheerful cursive then.
I actually have an upcoming 2nd grader that I will be taking through Beyond this fall. However, he will be doing the right side of Bigger for the most part. I plan on having him doing the copywork that Beyond assigns. Once he goes to Bigger, he'll do cheerful cursive in 3rd grade. That's exactly what I did with my older son as well.

I suppose you have to decide if it would be better for her to do copywork, or better for her to do the cursive program over the 2 years. It's amazing how much we (as homeschooling moms stew over every little thing! I spend months thinking it through every single year!!)

Re: Cheerful Cursive over 2 years?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 pm
by HollyS
We might be taking a little over a year for DD to complete this, but not two. She has no trouble with the handwriting, but it doesn't always get done with all our outside activities. :oops: I think you'll be fine taking it at a slower pace.