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emerging readers ?
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:20 pm
by hollyh
Are they based on the unit? For example, I think my dd will finish phonics mid year of 1st grade w/ Beyond. Do I start emerging readers then, or should I start them at the beginning of the year to go with the units and just finish up the phonics lessons in addition? Are the emerging readers "attached" to the units?
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:33 pm
by moedertje
The ER are not attached to any unit. The are a free standing reading program. You can start at any time in the year as you notice that you dc is ready. The books are great and the children enjoying being able to read a real book. The questions really help you to see how well they comprehend what they have read.
Success and enjoy
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 am
by hollyh
So are the questions in the back of the beyond manual? Where are they located?
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 pm
by mamaduke
Yes, the ER questions are in the Beyond and Bigger guides at the back in the appendix.
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 pm
by sw1ssm1ss
The questions, as well as a schedule which is useful for pacing, are in the back of Beyond. Other than the Early Reader's Bible, which my daughter loathed with a passion
, we have really enjoyed them. We just skipped over it. I think if I'd thought about it, I would have gotten the other choice for the Bible.
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 pm
by mamaduke
I'm wondering what your dd didn't like about the Early Readers Bible? I'm looking at it for my ds. The only reason is because it would be easier, we have the Beginners Bible and he is not ready for that yet.
Thanks for your input.
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:48 pm
by sw1ssm1ss
Well, the artwork in it is sort of unsophisticated--quickly sketched would be one way of putting it. The content begins with God creating the world (of course! it's a Bible!) and the very short sentences made it seem baby-ish to her. Also, each section is followed by questions you ask your child, like "Who made the world?" "What did He make first?" That made it seem even more baby-ish to her, because she could have answered them without reading the text at all.
I don't think there is any real problem with the book itself. It just turned her off. I agree that it makes sense to begin with the easier of the Bibles. Your son will probably be fine with it.
Re: emerging readers ?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 pm
by Kathleen
Yep - start those emerging readers anytime!
We just put little check mark by the "lesson" when we've finished it.
Julie - I'm guessing it depends on the child, because the Early Readers Bible was a hit here!
We started it when we were in the tail end of The Reading Lesson and my daughter just loved that she could actually read the Bible ALL BY HERSELF. And, the questions were ones that she could answer without even reading the stories because of past exposure to the Bible stories. But I kind of think that maybe Carrie planned it that way to get some confidence and comprehension moving in their little minds without them even realizing it. Allison often answered much more elaborately than The Early Readers Bible shared about a given story. But I thought it was good beginning CM skills to be connecting what she'd just read to what she already knows. We followed up with The Beginners Bible, too, since we were starting when she had just turned 5.
We only officially went through about half of it before moving on to the next book. After that I let her keep The Beginners Bible to read on her own in the morning for her quiet time.
We have loved the Emerging Readers! Enjoy ladies!! It's so fun to listen to your child read, and these are some good book choices.