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OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 pm
by tnahid
I just wanted to let you all know that I am back from my mission trip to Thailand! Thank you to all who prayed for me while I was gone. I am in the process of writing an update of all that happened while I was there. I will post it when I get that done! Bless you all for praying. I am so glad to be home, but it was an amazing journey! :D :D

Re: OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by Jessi
Can't wait to hear about your trip!! I bet it was amazing. I'll be going to Sierra Leone Africa in September on a mission trip.

Re: OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:55 pm
by beverett
How awesome!! I cant wait to hear about it either :D

Re: OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:16 pm
by tnahid
Well ladies...I have been so busy and just have not had time to write out an update on my Thailand mission trip. As a side note, I wanted to say that if you friend me on Facebook, you can see pictures from my trip. Just message me on here and I will give you my full name on FB. Then, when you friend me, just send me a personal note telling me that you are an HOD friend. :)

Anyway...back to my was AMAZING. I thank you for all your prayers. The Lord answered in so many ways. Getting to Thailand and back was the most GRUELING thing about going on the trip. The flights were filled with turbulence and problems, and it really showed me that I had a spirit of fear that I didn't realize I had! But going through it, and seeing my Father's faithfulness has made me stronger and more filled with faith. So that is a praise! I am still not a fan of flying, especially across the ocean, but I know that nothing is allowed to happen to me that does not come through His hands first. Such a comfort to know.

In Thailand, our team mainly ministered at night in the Red Light districts of Patpong and Nana. These are the main hubs of what is known as "sex tourism." I won't go into all the details on here, but suffice it to say, it is an evil, demonic place. I could literally FEEL the presence of the darkness all around me, and at times it was suffocating. But our Father showed me that even in the darkest places, His presence is there when His children are there! So, I was in constant prayer as we walked the streets. We "prayer walked" through the streets and stood on various corners praying for many aspects of the sex trade/slave trade. On several occasions, we went into the "go-go bars" and would hand out bracelets to the girls. We would actually tie the bracelets on their wrists, which gave us a "point of contact" and then we would ask them if we could pray for them, etc. God's LOVE was just pouring out over them as we prayed over them and hugged them and showered them with love. I basically felt that I was called as an intercessor on this trip, to pray for the Thai girls and the people, as well as covering the women/young ladies in our group. I had some amazing encounters with some of the women on the trip, as well as girls on the streets. What a blessing! Supernatural encounters all around.

We prayer walked around the Grand Palace, a Buddhist temple there in Bangkok. It was one of their high religious holidays, so there were hundreds, even thousands of people there worshipping these idols with incense and a lotus flower, bowing down before statues, etc. We did spiritual warfare around the temple for about 1 and a half hours. I got to lay my hands on many children and bless them. That was so awesome.

Well, just wanted to share some of the highlights with you. If you want more details about anything supernatural that I encountered, just message me! I will be glad to talk to you a little further about it. Blessings and love to you all! :)

Re: OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:44 am
by pjdobro
That sounds like a fruitful trip. I know I can't even begin to imagine (nor do I want too) how much evil goes on. It is so wonderful that you were able to reach out to those hurting and oppressed. I'm sure you were a blessing to many. Thanks for sharing about your trip! :D

Re: OT - Back from Thailand Mission Trip!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:50 pm
by Mercy
just shared with my husband. What an awesome experience!!! Thank God for people like you and your group who are out there who are called by God to do this! He is so faithful to reach souls.

Just wanted to praise Jesus with you for all that happened.
