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Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:34 am
by Mom25
Gearing up for convention this weekend (leaving tonight) and can't wait to meet Carrie!! Hoping maybe to meet Mike and Julie as well?? Can't wait!!!! SOOOOO excited!!!!!! :D :D :D :D 8) 8)

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:05 am
by holyhart
Mom25 I'll be there too! So excited!!! :D

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:43 am
by annaz
Gosh, how fun is that!

I don't think Mike should go though. He has to stay home and fill my order. :mrgreen:

Have a great time!

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:30 am
by Tracee
Have fun!!!!! You are getting me excited. Ours is in May :D .


Re: Convention!!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:45 pm
by Carrie

Hooray! We are so excited to be at MassHope and to be meeting you too! :D The weather is beautiful, and the people are even more wonderful than the weather! :D

P.S. Annaz, you crack me up! You'll be so glad to hear that Mike is home, likely packing your order! :wink:


Re: Convention!!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:05 am
by holyhart
I had such a wonderful time meeting both Carrie and Julie! :D They are even lovelier and sweeter in person than they are on this board if one can believe it! I sure hope you ladies will make it back to MassHOPE again next year!

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:21 am
by my3sons
Thanks, Kelly! Carrie and I loved meeting you, your dh, and ds at the convention. It was great fun talking to you. Thank you for stopping by to introduce yourself and your dear family. You are just as lovely in person as you are on this message board. When we travel to conventions and get to meet the ladies from this board, it feels like we are meeting friends we've known forever though often times we are meeting for the first time face to face at the convention. I am so glad we get to do that. Thanks to all the ladies we met at MASSHOPE, and we hope to meet more wonderful HOD ladies in Arlington, TX next weekend!

Love in Christ,

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:13 pm
by Mom25
8) 8) 8) It was SO fun to meet (and introduce my husband and kiddos to) Carrie and Julie! They are truly lovely!! I sent several of my fellow support group members their way and am hoping they decide to purchase!! :D :D

They had a wonderful display, and i LOVED the beautiful photo books of the kids doing the curriculum, and those pics brought back fond memories of doing those same activities with my kids. Thank you Ladies for taking the time to come all the way out here. I pray you were blessed as I was, and that your ministry/business continue to grow!!

Janet (aka Bostonmom)

Re: Convention!!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:36 pm
by holyhart
my3sons wrote:Thanks, Kelly! Carrie and I loved meeting you, your dh, and ds at the convention. It was great fun talking to you. Thank you for stopping by to introduce yourself and your dear family. You are just as lovely in person as you are on this message board.
Thank you! My hubby really enjoyed meeting both of you and was just blown away at seeing our own dc in the photo books on your tables. It was so much fun to look through them and remember all the fun I had that year! It also reminded me that I need to make a more concerted effort to take out the camera more often now in our school days and stop thinking I'm to busy to take pictures. The years will go by and if I don't have the pictures, I know I will regret it...I already regret not having many from this year. :( Time to change that! 8)


Re: Convention!!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:16 pm
by my3sons
Thanks, Janet! We enjoyed meeting you too! :D Thanks for sending some people our way. :D It was good to put your face with your name, and we really do love meeting HOD board friends in person. What a blessing that is! :D

Kelly - there are seasons for picture taking, and then there are those seasons we are just trying to remember what day of the week it is! :D You'll be coming into a calmer season here when picture taking can abound once again, but you'll have the pictures of those "pictureless seasons" in your mind and your heart - because you chose to be a mom that was there for it all. :wink: That's the beauty of homeschooling - so don't beat yourself up about missing it with the camera - you captured it in your mind! :D But now... when can I look forward to seeing pics of your little darlings again? Just kidding... no pressure... honestly. :lol:

In Christ,