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OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:18 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
PLEASE pray for the state of Arkansas. We have major flooding in the Northern part of the state; 7 deaths and about 80 homes demolished in North Central; many others all over the state have a lot of damage, we personally had a tree fall within a foot of our house last night from straightline winds. There was an F5 tornado last night, and multiple other smaller ones all over the state. We've had many overnight severe storms this last couple weeks. Nearly 80,000 are without power. We were from last night until a few hours ago. There is MORE BAD WEATHER coming TONIGHT...starting soon this afternoon actually. It is predicted to be worse than last night and aimed more toward the part of the state we live in. Multiple tornadoes to be expected. Large hail, damaging winds, hard rains...My DH works tonight...He's a night shift RN. So I'll be braving this alone with our 4 kids if it hits after he leaves. When it hits, we will have no power (always lose it) and I will have no way of knowing what is going on weather wise. Weather radios have sold out everywhere. Phones stop working. And there are no tornado sirens in our area. We have many tall trees near our home and many are right near our kids's rooms. Just two weeks ago, the severe weather killed 11 people. Almost all were from trees falling on homes. Several were children, including a mother and son cuddled up for safety in the young boy's bed and a father and baby daughter. I know we have to trust God for our protection, but as a mom, I am so worried for my kids and being here all alone. especially with no weather alert system. Please pray for everyone in our area. Most of these storms recently have hit overnight, causing the higher casualties. This one will be starting in the daylight hours so I'm hoping it will be over before dark.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:20 pm
by GinainMD
Praying for already for peace and safety.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:38 pm
by mskogen
Praying for you, Lord give Tamara peace!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:57 pm
by ForHisGlory
Will say a prayer and keep an eye on the weather in your area. In these situations, we can only trust in Him and know He is sovereign and good ALWAYS! Don't let the enemy steal your joy...just mediate on His word (as best as possible) and keep everyone as safe as possible! Do you all have a cellar or storm shelter?

Thinking Proverbs 3:5-6 thoughts for you! :)

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:12 pm
by KTLM6
Praying for you and all in your area. I've seen on the news how much you have been hit down there. God Bless You and bring you peace.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:30 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I don't have a storm shelter and although we have cell phones, they dint have service during the storms. :(

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:51 pm
by ForHisGlory
Okay, I was just curious. I grew up in Tornado Alley as a child (central OK). My parents and grandparents built partial underground homes. I can remember bad storm nights, being ushered into my parents bedroom (the safest room in the house).

I prayed with my son Evan for you all and the state of AK and all effected by these storms, and thought of you as we were on our way to Sonic to get drinks. God bless and take care!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:31 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
We are in a hotel about 30-40min north of our home in hopes of escaping some of the most severe weather as well as allowing DH to get to work safely tonight since it's closer. Our home always loses power so we are hoping we won't here. Kids needed warm baths anyway as DH and I for the last of the warm water this morning. :) he has gone to work now and where we are should just barely miss the second severe system but another is moving in. Right now the biggest threat is straight-line winds and hail. Not tornados until later. Those winds are what took our big tree down that came awfully close to our house. We haven't seen the worst yet and it's already been pretty bad back down where we live. Please continue praying for AR!! I pray we go home tomorrow to find our home as we left it. I'm a little concerned what we may find. Electricity would be nice too :)

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:06 pm
by mamanlait
Praying for you, Tamara.


Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:48 pm
by momofgreatones
Praying for you Tamara, and your sweet family. What a scary thing for you.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:31 am
by holyhart
I didn't get a chance to post last night, but I was praying for you (and again in the wee hours here when I was wakened by a thunderstorm...thinking about how much worse it must be down there :( ). I have a girlfriend who lives in OK near the AR border and I havn't heard from her yet either. Praying that her and her little tribe are all doing well through this as well.

Let us know how you and your house made out when you can. Praying until then.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:34 am
by 3sweeties
Just saw this -- praying for your family today!!!!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:15 am
by Mom2Monkeys
We made it through the night pretty easily here at our hotel room!! It didn't get quite as bad as they predicted thankfully, and the storm split north and south of where we spent the night. More than the storms, our crazy dog kept me awake! He was so nervous in this new place and kept impinge up on the bed to sleep ON me...he's an american bulldog that weighs 100lbs. :) I haven't left for home yet to see how our house made it through and that area did get pretty bad. We are just resting and taking it easy this morning.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I felt them. I was so much more peaceful feeling last night.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:34 am
by Homeschooln2qts
Continued prayers for you here, Tamara. Praise our Heavenly Father that everything went alright for y'all and that you felt His peace throughout the night. I am in awe of God's POWER through the coming together and prayers of His beloved saints in the faith...Hallelujah! :)

Please keep my brother, his wife and their 4 mo. old baby in your prayers too. They are in Huntsville, AL (the northern-most part of Alabama) which is part of the region expected to get the highest threat of severe weather today.

God bless you!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:26 pm
by Heather4Him
I'm just seeing this now, Tamara, and I'm so sorry! I hope you are all ok today!!