Anyway, let me give you a little background before I ask my questions. I am currently working with my 6 year old on Kinder. work. She has learned to read quite well and is doing well in math. She can print all of her letters and I've even had her do a little bit of copywork these last few months and she's done well with that. I have a 4 year old dd who has always joined us for our "school time" and has picked up all the letter sounds, most all of the formations of the letters and can read one vowel words. We have a 2 1/2 ds who takes a nap during school time!!

I had next year all planned out. We were going to stick with the same curric. for phonics, math, language etc. because I wanted to be sure that my daughter was well grounded in the reading and I felt that staying with the same curric. would be "safe" and would not cause any confusion. I did make that decision back in Jan. when she was struggling with reading but she has made excellent progress these last 3 months and has improved dramatically. The curric. we use now is very popular, and very, very good however it is intense.
We just found out that we are expecting our 4th in Oct.

Now, finally for my questions:
1. I've checked the placement chart and I know that my 6 year old (who will be 6 1/2 in the fall) will do excellent in LHFHG but I think that she is ready for the grammer, spelling and math activities in Beyond. I don't want to short change her education and want to place her correctly but am not sure exactly where because...
2. I also am considering schooling my 4 1/2 year old dd (who will be 5 in the fall) as well. I want to do them both together but know that my she would best fit in LHFHG. How could I work it for the both of them?
I would also love to do LHTH with my ds but wonder if that would be too much with a newborn in the house?
And of course money is a concern as well. We don't have a lot of it!! So I'd like to be as econimical as possible.
If you can understand my ramblings and can offer any help please do, I'm in NEED of it!!
Thanks a bunch!!

Krissy, wife to my love for 8 years and mom of:
dd '02
dd '03
ds '05
?? '08