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Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:45 pm
by grandsophy
Next year I will have a first grader (officially, though she's doing mostly first grade work this year, though she's only 5) and a second grader and a fifth grader.

I'd like to do Bigger Hearts with the extension package for my 5th grader.

I'd love to hear how this works with an assortment of ages.

I'm thinking I need to use a different handwriting, as my youngers are not ready for cursive yet (maybe A Reason for Handwriting? or A Beka's Writing with Phonics?),
and I think I'll be using Rod and Staff 4 for my oldest's language program. We have done very gentle language (Queen) in the past so it's going to be a bit of a jump for her.

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:28 pm
by blessedmomof4

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:07 am
by Gwenny
Are you meaning that you would like to put them all in Bigger, or just the 5th grader?


Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:46 am
by grandsophy
Gwenny wrote:Are you meaning that you would like to put them all in Bigger, or just the 5th grader?

All in Bigger. It's for 7 to 9 year olds, I believe. I will have a 6 year old (who has been keeping up with her older sister and actually catching on more quickly) a 7 year old and a 10 year old.

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:47 pm
by Carrie
Since Bigger Hearts is targeted for ages 7-9 with extensions for ages 10-11, we wouldn't recommend for a 6 year old to do Bigger Hearts. :D This is because the skill level and amount of the written work in Bigger Hearts will be very difficult for a 6 year old. When thinking of placement in HOD, it's most important to ponder where each child fits individually on the placement chart, and then to see which children could possibly be combined and within which program. :D

If you were wanting to combine your 6 and 7 year olds, we would lean more toward placing them either in LHFHG or Beyond together. Here's a link to the placement chart that will be of help to you as you ponder:

Once you've had a chance to determine where each child fits individually on the first page of the chart, feel free to pop back and share more information, so we can help advise you better. :D


Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:13 am
by grandsophy
Carrie wrote:Since Bigger Hearts is targeted for ages 7-9 with extensions for ages 10-11, we wouldn't recommend for a 6 year old to do Bigger Hearts. :D This is because the skill level and amount of the written work in Bigger Hearts will be very difficult for a 6 year old. When thinking of placement in HOD, it's most important to ponder where each child fits individually on the placement chart, and then to see which children could possibly be combined and within which program. :D

If you were wanting to combine your 6 and 7 year olds, we would lean more toward placing them either in LHFHG or Beyond together. Here's a link to the placement chart that will be of help to you as you ponder:

Once you've had a chance to determine where each child fits individually on the first page of the chart, feel free to pop back and share more information, so we can help advise you better. :D

I will have a 5th grader and 2 2nd graders. Does that make more sense?

I know the language arts will need to be changed a bit for the youngers. I always adapt the curriculum guide quite a bit.

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:16 am
by grandsophy
And thanks for that chart, that's great!

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:28 am
by my3sons
HI Grandsophy! We are doing Bigger Hearts, and we started it when my ds was 7 yo. He was an avid reader and did not have trouble with writing, but it took him a fair bit to grow into it. We ended up doing it half-speed for quite awhile (a little more than a year), and that was a super fit for him. I am wondering if you could share a bit about your dc individually in regard to the first page of the placement chart? Age is such a variable measure to determine where dc are in their academics. One 7, 8, 9 yo can just be completely at a different place than another 7, 8, 9 yo, so I get nervous giving advice without knowing much about how dc are doing in regard to their reading, writing, grammar, and math - and even just how they do with books that don't have many pictures or with more classical (kind of old-timey) sounding books, as living books often have that sound to them. :D I think that's why their isn't much response to your question here - we get worried about advising when we aren't really sure what dc are able to do, and we sure don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. I do realize your desire to combine where able, and I'm glad you shared that, as this will certainly factor into the advice we'd give too. But, just for placement purposes, could you share a bit about each of your dc and which guide they would each place individually in, and then we can talk through some different options better? :D I will definitely check back here and try to help out - as I know others will be glad to as well! :D

In Christ,

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:54 am
by catbeth
Interrupting to say, Grandsophy, I l.o.v.e. your username! One of my favorite books ever! :mrgreen:

Re: Bigger Hearts with Extension Package

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:45 am
by grandsophy
Thanks, Catbeth!

After looking at the chart I am thinking my littles might fit better in the previous book. I already have that book--actually the whole package--so this could save us a lot of money---and as we just had a very unpleasant surprise at tax time, money is something I have to keep in mind. :(

I don't know what I'll do for my older dd. I was really looking forward to having everyone in the same curriculum guide, but perhaps this isn't the year to do this.