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there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:32 pm
by holyhart
Since my ds is sick and went to bed early, my dd asked if we could finish up the last 2 chapters of Stone Fox instead of the regular family read aloud we are reading before bed. I agreed. I
really wish someone had told me what a tear jerker ending it had!
Goodness, there I was trying to read it to her and blubbering like a fool!
I had to stop multiple times to try and gather myself! Hubby was laughing at me (I cry easy at almost EVERYthing!)
I read it many years ago as a child myself. I remember liking it, but apparently did not recall the ending. Evelyn and I both really enjoyed it (dispite the ending) and just gave some extra lovings on our Maggie-girl (our dog). Teasing aside, it was a truly great book.
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:19 pm
by John'smom
We too were all shocked by the ending. My ds loved the book so much that he wanted to send the author his letter he wrote in his DITHOR project. I tried to look up his address, and found that the author had already passed away. I sent his wife and e-mail and unfortuntaely we haven't had a response. Good book though.
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:58 pm
by Daph
Wow, thank you! This is the type of thing I need. If I read this to my daughter, she would be beside herself for days!
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:53 pm
by holyhart
I didn't mean to imply that we didn't like the book! On the contrary, we LOVED the book, we were just not prepared for the tear-jerker ending! Ok, maybe I should say
I was not prepared for the ending
...I am one of those girls who cry at coffee know the ones where the son/brother comes home from serving oversea somewhere or somthing? If someone else crys in a movie, forget it, I'm done. I cry in songs like "I'll be home for Christmas". Can't even handle it. My hubby picks on me all the time about this. When we were dating (12-ish years ago) he took me to see Armageddon in the Theaters (maybe we were newly weds??? Don't remember when it came out). Anyway, he says I am the only person alive who can be blubbering in an action/thriller movie.
If your daughter is very sensitive though, she might have a hard time with the ending.
Even if I'd had a warning...I would totally have still cried....that's just me. But usually I can tell something is coming...I completely missed this one! It really, really is a great book though!!!
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:26 pm
by Daph
Oh, I'm the same way! And I watched a movie on netflix the other night that had me sobbing like I knew the people in it. It was terrible. My husband makes fun of me, too. XD
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:28 pm
by Cherylanne
I cry easy too at stuff like that too but to add to the problem my eyes are swollen for the next 24 hours! I have to really watch when I see a sad movie.
Re: there should have been a disclaimer!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:30 pm
by moedertje
We too loved this book, I don't cry to easy, but I can so see that one would be a sobbing mess at the end