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DITHOR and many days?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:11 pm
by 2littleblessings
I'm looking at next year's plans (because I need to budget and because looking at my HOD catalog is one of my favorite pasttimes!), and I was wondering about how DITHOR and PHFHG mesh together. We're currently using Bigger and DITHOR, so we're used to the program in general, this is more of a scheduling question. In looking at the first week lessons of PHFHG, it looks like DITHOR is suggested for 3 days a week. (And PHFHG is only scheduled for 4 days a week, is that correct?) I was wondering if any of you ladies using PHFHG could tell me how you schedule your DITHOR books. Do you try to do all 9 genres in a year or do you stretch that out over two years? (That would make a difference in what I might need to buy!) I thought I remembered seeing Julie's awesome schedule quite a while back with DITHOR done with only half the genres each year, but those pics aren't available anymore, at least not where I could locate them. (I looked in the schedules thread.)

I'm very comfortable with my dd's abilities in reading, so I don't feel like it would be a bad thing to take DITHOR half-speed next year in combination with all the great reading we'll be doing in PHFHG. I was just wondering whether I wasn't seeing this quite right. I know others have said this same thing, but I always wish I had the teacher's manual at least one level ahead just to see what we'll be doing next year! I'm getting antsy to make an order....

Re: DITHOR and many days?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:27 pm
by LynnH
I did Preparing with DITHOR last year and we did 5 genres last year and 4 this year. I think that is how most people do it since DITHOR is scheduled only 3 days a week.

Re: DITHOR and many days?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:42 pm
by my3sons
LynnH wrote:I did Preparing with DITHOR last year and we did 5 genres last year and 4 this year. I think that is how most people do it since DITHOR is scheduled only 3 days a week.
This is what we do, and it has worked well! :D Just so you know, in the PHFHG's guide, it notes in the LA box which 3 days each unit to do DITHOR. Carrie balanced out the reading/writing work load to be as equal as possible from day to day, so we've made an effort to always follow her plans for which days to do DITHOR. In PHFHG, the day that does not schedule DITHOR each week is the day that does schedule creative writing with the poetry. If dc were to do DITHOR on that day, they would have quite a bit more writing to do than normal that day, and likewise, on another day if they didn't do DITHOR, they'd have much less writing that day. This kind of attention to planning runs through all the guides, so I just thought I'd explain the thinking that goes into when to schedule DITHOR (as well as everything else), so that it makes sense why just any 3 days out of the 4 won't work as well. :D

I"m so sorry about my links. I followed Photobucket's advice to "reorganize', and it messed up some things. :? Here is a link to all of my schedules and charts I've used through the years: ... o3/Charts/

If you have difficulty finding what you are looking for, let me know, and I can try to link you specifically to something too. :D
In Christ,