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several levels at once?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:04 pm
by TammyTE
I am really trying to wrap my mind around this. I have been trying so hard to figure out a way to combine my children. If I don't make this streamlined and efficient then I fear it won't get done at all. So by combining, my thinking is that we will get it done. It may not be perfect and exactly at each child's skill level, but it got done. LOL

But then I fear that I am doing my children a disservice by not focusing on each particular child's skill level. Before I go further my children are:

8yog, 6yob, 4yog, 2yog and newborn.

I was thinking I could combine the oldest three. Since we haven't done any HOD before I would start with LHFHG. Yes it would be a bit immature for my 8yo but she still enjoys doing things with her younger siblings and honestly doesn't know that it's not "cool". But she reads very well for her age. Her handwriting is so so. Math not great but not terrible.

My 6yob is pretty much average. Probably a bit behind in reading. He's getting his phonics but it is a struggle. whereas his older sister basically taught herself to read at age 4.

4yog (turns 5 in March) is the typical girl. Things seem to come easy for her so far. I honestly haven't worked much with her but she is learning by osmosis. She knows most of her letters. Can write a little. I'm sure if I worked with her more she would speed right along. But I have been focused on getting my boy to read for the last several months. Plus she's only 4! I'm not one to push at the younger ages. she is definately ready though.

If I would not combine them and put them where I thought their skills/ages placed them I could possibly be doing three different levels. Wouldn't that be an all day affair? I just don't see myself doing that to be frank. We have food sensitivites and I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I know everyone is busy but I'mjust trying to be honest here and not set myself up for failure.

The 6yob and 4yog could most easily be combined but I hate to have 2 together so much and the oldest not. Although I'm certain they would all come in and listen during each other's reading and activities anyway. That's just how things go here. We are pretty much together most of the day. Which brings me to another concern. If I don't combine them then I will have three levels going at once. They will be three back to back levels. Won't they get bored with it? ugh Won't I get bored with it?

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:32 am
by jenntracy
I just posted to another mom talking about combining.
I am not a big fan of combining. Now i only have 3 kids, but another is due in March.
My two eldest are only 16 months apart and i tried hard to figure out how to combine them and just couldn't do it. The levels they are at and personalities caused me to put them in back to back guides. one is in Beyond now, and the other LHFHG. next year i will have our (3.5 yr old then) in LHTH.
I am not bored. they are not bored. My son even says, "oh i remember that" if he hears something his sister is doing. To me it also feels like i know what i am doing b/c i have done it once before already.
I just remind myself also that with each year, each child will become more independent with their work. My son (turned 7 in October) is a good reader and that makes a world of difference right there.

Just something to think about and consider.
sometimes tweaking can take more time than just doing the guide as written.

Jenn D.

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:18 pm
by krismoose
Hi and welcome! Actually, starting with LHFHG for all sounds like a pretty good start to would have to target math and phonics/reading to their levels anyhow. The 6yo and maybe even the 4.5yo would probably be doing it as written, or close. If the almost 5yo wearies, she could just go play for parts of it, but if she's enthusiastic, she'll probably love it all :) If your 8yo needs more, you could plan ahead to have an extra science and/or history book or 2 from the library to fill it out more for your 8yo. If you look ahead to the topics, you can just get whatever your library has available for either you or her to read. Particularly for science in the 1st half, because your library may not have many (or any ;-) ) Biblical story books. Once you've been doing it a few weeks, you'll be able to tell if your 8yo needs more, and you can add as needed. She could do a notebook of the animals you cover, by drawing a picture and writing/ copying a sentence about them. The ladies here have tons of ideas for how to add more for the older kids if needed...HTH :D

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:41 pm
by TammyTE
Thank you both! So I am getting the feeling that it really is just a matter of what works for our own family. There is no set way of doing it. LOL Now Just to feel sure enough to do it!

That's a good point about taking more time to tweak than do an extra level as written. Knowing myself I would probably slack and not give her anything extra. Well, not really not give her *anything*. But not give her what she should have. If that makes any sense what-so-ever.

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:57 pm
by inHistiming
TammyTE wrote: Knowing myself I would probably slack and not give her anything extra. Well, not really not give her *anything*. But not give her what she should have. If that makes any sense what-so-ever.
That is what I have found to be true for me. When we have combined in the past my oldest 'suffered' (he wouldn't say so but I do!) from not having enough work on his level. It wasn't because HOD didn't provide it but because I did not give it to him/do it with him. So for us, we are going to try individual guides now and see how that goes. My ds7 is in Beyond..., my dd11 is starting Preparing with extensions....on Monday, and my ds13 will begin RTR with extensions within a week or so, depending on when it arrives. We will probably start the older two half-pace to get them going independently and really know what they're doing, then bump them up to full-speed once they have it down.

HOD is very flexible and truly is customizable for each family. That's one of many benefits to the programs. :wink: HTH

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:27 pm
by TammyTE
Thank you!

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:34 pm
by John'smom
TammyTE wrote:That's a good point about taking more time to tweak than do an extra level as written. Knowing myself I would probably slack and not give her anything extra. Well, not really not give her *anything*. But not give her what she should have. If that makes any sense what-so-ever.
Welcome to the HOD boards!!! :D This is our first year with HOD and we love it!!! I come from a background where I was planning everything and trying to supplement what we were doing with fun activities. Well, all that is planned out in HOD. IMHO, you either spend your time in planning or teaching. Personally, I'd rather have all the decisions made for me, and just have to teach and not supplement. If you're like that, then it's probably better to teach separate programs. You could always get one running a couple weeks and then add in the next one. Just an idea. Again IMHO since you're just coming to HOD, I'd run maybe 2 programs at the most you're first year.

You didn't say much about where you're 8 year old is academically, but I have an 8 yr old and I would never think of doing Little Hearts with him. I am combining him in Beyond with his 6 yr. old sister, and do math, spelling, and language at his level. I supplement the science. He does the science that's in Beyond with his sister, but it's just not enough for a 8 yr. old. This was at Carrie's advice to me here.

After saying all that, I'm not exactly sure where you'd place your dc. I'm sure someone more experienced will come along and help you with that.

Re: several levels at once?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:43 pm
by TammyTE
Thank you Edwena. My 8yo is a great reader and math is finally clicking for her! I have decided to get her going on BeyondLHFHG. Then I will get my next two going on LHFHG. I will probably include everyone at times in both levels just because that's usually how things go here at our house.;-) I look forward to seeing how this all plays out in our family!