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How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:19 am
by michmom2
Just curious! I am patiently waiting to order my books, we already have the guide. My daughter is 9 and in the 4th grade. We are so excited, but at this point, I don't know if we will be able to order until tax refund :( I was hoping to order the first of October, but then life happened. So the programs may line up to be 4th/5th, 5th/6th and so on, or......... I could just change the school year hee, hee.

So, what age or grade is your child doing preparing?

Are you staring mid-year and if so, are you just gonna "go with the flow" or school until you "catch up"?

Thanks in advance!

edited to revise my dd's age - she is really 9 not 10! Momentary brain lapse!

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:10 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
We are about 4 units in with my DD9 in 4th grade. So it's going to be a 4th/5th sort of thing for us too. We'll just start the next guide when we finish this one whatever point in the school year that may be! A friend of mine is switching to HOD and will be starting Preparing Hearts in the fall with her 10yo 5th grader. You'll be in good company!

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:46 pm
by mamanlait
We are in the middle of Preparing here and LOVING IT with my 9 y.o. 4th grader. I am so excited for you and your children to be embarking on the Preparing adventure! I've said it before, but I'm really anxious and sad about finishing up Preparing because it has been an amazing journey for us. I just don't want it to come to an end. We will start CTC in early Spring (we just go from one guide to the next and break as needed). You will love the learning process laid out in this guide!

dd9 Preparing
dd6 LHfHG

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:24 pm
by michmom2
Thanks for the replies, I am in good company, especially since my dd is 9 and in the 4th grade, not 10! I think I have been obsessing and researching so long I am beginning to lose my mind! So I will try to vow to slow down, relax and enjoy the journey!

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:33 pm
by doubleportion
We have finished the first two units of Preparing with our dd 9yrs old and 4th grade. We will use it for 4th/5th too and just pick up the next guide when we complete Preparing (probably around Jan 2012). We school year round and have in the past simply moved on to the next thing when we finish one (so my dd started 4th grade work back in April of last year). Loving Preparing and being so thankful that the Lord led us to HOD. It has been such a breath of fresh air in our homeschool!!


Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:33 pm
by mskogen
I have my oldest ds 10 & 4th grade in Preparing, just finished Unit 21. He will finish this spring. I haven't decided if he will start CTC right away or spend some time pursuing his interests until July when he officallly starts 5th. My second ds 8 & 3rd grade is starting Preparing in January. He will go half pace for awhile. I want it to last all of 4th grade. He does not light writing so this is the best pace for him. Enjoy Preparing, it is FABULOUS!

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:34 pm
by angela&4boys
We're using it with our 10yo ds and it's a perfect fit. :D

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:29 pm
by Kathleen
We used it with Grant last year as a 9 yo 4th grader. LOVED IT!!! Every bit of it! (Thankfully CTC is just as wonderful, or we would have been really sad to leave it!)

:D Kathleen

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:02 pm
by Malenksha
Halfway done with a 9.5 year old! It's been a great fit for him. Our younger son is more immature, in general, so we may space things out so he hits it at age 10 instead. Lots of growth in the next few years, however, so we'll play it year by year and adjust. :)

- Bronwyn

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:03 pm
by annaz
We're using it with my 10 yr old 4th grade dd.

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:48 pm
by 3sweeties
Using it with my almost 9 yo (in March) DS, who is in 3rd grade. I thought we might need to go half-speed with it, but so far he is doing great! I am totally willing to slow it down if we need to and also use it next year for 4th grade far he is loving it!!! :D

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:38 am
by MomtoJGJE
We'll be doing Preparing for 3rd/4th with DD1... she'll turn 9 in the middle, but we'll go slowly if need be.

We will be doing Preparing for 4th/5th with DD2, she'll turn 9 right about the time we start it.

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:58 pm
by AwaitingHisReturn
I am using it with ds 8/3rd grade, who finds it challenging (only because of the writing) and ds 10/5th grade with extensions, who finds it too easy. The 8 yr old has really improved in a lot of skills. We have greatly enjoyed PHFHG, Grandpa's box and A Child's History of the world are amazing spines.

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:20 pm
by my3sons
AwaitingHisReturn wrote:I am using it with ds 8/3rd grade, who finds it challenging (only because of the writing) and ds 10/5th grade with extensions, who finds it too easy. The 8 yr old has really improved in a lot of skills. We have greatly enjoyed PHFHG, Grandpa's box and A Child's History of the world are amazing spines.
Maybe you would want to separate your 2 dc? We have done that with our dc who are quite far apart in abilities, and really enjoyed that. :D Your now 10 yo would definitely be challenged by either CTC or RTR - depending on where he places best on the placement chart, and your now 8 yo will certainly have an even greater increase in writing within CTC. Maybe your now 8 yo could do Bigger Hearts instead, and do it quite independently if she is able? And maybe your now 10 yo could do either CTC or RTR? Just a thought since you mentioned this! :D

In Christ,

Re: How old (and /or grade) are your kiddos doing Preparing?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:27 pm
by moedertje
I am looking at doing Preparing next year with my ds who will be close to 9 ( if I can help I will wait till October :D ) and in 3rd grade. I a trying to stretch Bigger to have him mature some more, we are going on unit 24. Looks like we will be done end of May or beginning June. I might take a little break and work on some other skills before starting... Time will tell, but I am so looking forward to it. :P :P