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Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:36 pm
by mrsrandolph
I seem to have NO drive...NO motivation

I don't want to do school. I want to do nothing. I'm not enjoying "mommyhood" like I I used to...

I know my kids can't go through their lives doing "nothing" because they feel like it, and I need to not do that either!

I am finding it REALLY hard to motivate myself right now.

Any helps?

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:24 pm
by psreit
I have a little trouble this time of year. I honestly think the lack of sunlight is what affects me. You would think Christmas would cause us to be more excited and want to do more. But, sometimes with Christmas comes too much excitement and we get too busy preparing. Then we are worn out. We need to be careful we don't put too much emphasis on baking. shopping. decorating, etc. If it is not the holidays for you, it may be the sunlight thing. Try some bright lights. I can always tell after New Years the sun is getting brighter. That always gives me a spurt of energy and then I start cleaning and getting anxious for spring. We are farther north, so we usually have very cold January and February, but the sunlight really does help. I am feeling a little sluggish right now, but I know I need exercise as well. My girls are telling me to put in the walking DVD, but with the baby, I haven't found time. Before the cold weather, I did a good bit of walking outside. I miss that. I also eat too much sugar during the holidays. That doesn't help. So, sunlight, exercise, and less sugar are some suggestions (for myself) :lol: Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy celebrating Christ's birth. Merry Christmas!

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:31 pm
by countrymom
I would add vitamin D also. Winter can be tough and it is suggested that people living in winter weather states take vitamin D.

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:35 pm
by Mommamo
You've gotten some great advice already. I second the diet and exercise idea. I feel really bad when I eat too much sugar and not enough good stuff. Also, make sure you're getting the healthy fats you need, like from veggies like avocado, and from fish. I know when I don't have the right amounts of good fats in my diet then I feel sluggish and moody and have a hard time doing things.

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:54 pm
by deltagal
Well, if it's any consolation - I eat no sugar or processed foods at all -am very healthy and am pretty active exercise wise and I'm in a funk, as well :D

However, the daily anecedote for me is to take a walk with or without children. If I can just get outside for 15 minutes or so it helps...ALOT!! And if I notice any of the children are in a funk, then a walk is a must for them, too. :D

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:19 pm
by mrsrandolph
Thanks for the tips. Keep them coming! I have lost 70 pounds in the past 3 months after having weight loss surgery, and I thought I'd be filled with energy. Not so much...I do need to up the exercise!!

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:04 pm
by frankesense
mrsrandolph wrote:Thanks for the tips. Keep them coming! I have lost 70 pounds in the past 3 months after having weight loss surgery, and I thought I'd be filled with energy. Not so much...I do need to up the exercise!!

with loosing so much weight in 3 months, it may have your hormones all in upheaval as well.

I think most of us have those seasons where we struggle with feelings like you're describing and we'll each have different reasons for why we feel that way. I will pray that God will pour His grace over you and give you discernment. At those seasons in my life, I always make sure I am spending time with God and listening to worship music.

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:16 pm
by mrsrandolph
Great advice!

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:20 am
by tnahid
Maybe you need something to look forward to, like a night out with the hubby or a trip with some friends for the weekend somewhere? Maybe plan some fun field trips each week for a while? Read some good historical fiction novels and escape to exotic lands of long ago! It's fun!

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:09 pm
by mrsrandolph
I wish I could afford a big old vacation away with my husband. That would work wonders! : )

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:02 pm
by Tansy
I'm the queen of vacations on the cheap! A few years ago we took a vacation to NM at a life way conference center. They rent out the extraneous rooms, If your in Ministry or the pastorate its even cheaper. :-)

we ate out of a cooler :-) and had a fabulous time.

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:41 pm
by ihvnangel
You may also want to get your vitamin levels checked. I also had WLS and I have had a lot of problems with anemia, low b-12 and low D. So please get those checked, once I got those in order I have been feeling much better! Good luck and congratulations on your weight loss.

Re: Have I Mentioned I'm In A Funk?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:18 pm
by mrsrandolph
Thanks for the tips guys!

I do have low vitamin D. I am heavily supplementing that.

I had forgotten all about ridgecrest and glorietta. Thanks for the reminder!